Öldrun - 01.03.2002, Qupperneq 29

Öldrun - 01.03.2002, Qupperneq 29
30 ÖLDRUN – 20. ÁRG. 1. TBL. 2002 Ýmsar ráðstefnur í öldrunarfræðum 17. – 20. apríl 2002 IPA European and Mediterranean Regional Meeting ,,The Qualities of Aging’’ Hótel Parco dei Principi, Róm, Ítalía Upplýsingar: IPA Secretariat, 550 Frontage Raoad, #2820 Northfield, IL 60093 USA Sími: +1 847 784 1701 Fax: +1 847 784 1705 E-mail: ipa@ipa-online.org Vefsíða: http://www.ipa-online.org 2.– 4. maí 2002 ,,Cardiac Rehabilitation and Progression of Cardiovascular Diseases’’ Leipzig, Þýskalandi Upplýsingar: R. Hambrecht eða G. Schuler, Dept. of Cardiology Heart Center Leipzig, Strümpellstrasse 39, 04289 Leipzig Sími: ++49 341 865 1426 (27) Fax: ++49 341 865 1461 E-Mail: hamr@medizin.uni-leipzig.de Vefsíða: www.spring2002-leipzig.de 25. – 28. maí 2002 Nordiske Kongress i Gerontologi ,,Aldring og individualitet’’ Árósar, Danmörk. Upplýsingar: Dansk Gerontologisk Selskab Aurehöjvej 24, DK-2900 Hellerup Sími: + 45 3962 7627 Fax: + 45 3962 6627 E-mail: dgs@geroinst.dk 7. – 8. júní 2002 7. júní: ,,The Future of Retirement’’ 8. júní: ,,Retirement Surveys’’ Reykjavík, Ísland. Upplýsingar: Tryggvi Herbertsson E-mail: tthh@hi.is 4.-6. júlí 2002 4th International Conference on Evaluation for Practice Tampere, Finnland Upplýsingar: Conference Secretariat, CongCreator CC Ltd Bo. BOX 762, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finnland Sími: +358 9 4542190 Fax: +358 9 45421930 E-mail: eval2002@congcreator.com Vefsíða: http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/sospol/eval2002 20.-25. júlí 2002 The 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Stokkhólmur, Svíþjóð Upplýsingar: Alzheimer’s Association, 919 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100, Chicago, Illinois 60611-1676 USA Sími: +1 312 335 5813 Fax: + 1 312 335 5781 Vefsíða: http://www.alz.org 15. – 17. ágúst 2002 21. Nordisk Sociologkongress Reykjavík, Ísland E-mail: sociologkongress@hi.is 16. – 18. ágúst 2002 VI Nordic Family Therapy Congress in Reykjavík Iceland Reykjavík, Ísland Upplýsingar: Iceland Travel, Lágmúli 4, P.O. Box 8650, 128 Reykjavík Fax: +354 858 4374 E-mail: bjorkb@icelandtravel.is 23. – 26. október 2001 IPA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting ,,Dementia, Depression and Suicide in the elderly: Cultural and clinical aspects’’ Gold Coast Hótel, Hong Kong Upplýsingar: IPA Secretariat, 550 Frontage Raoad, #2820 Northfield, IL 60093 USA Sími: +1 847 784 1701 Fax: +1 847 784 1705 E-mail: ipa@ipa-online.org Vefsíða: http://www.ipa-online.org



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