Tölvumál - 01.11.2011, Page 40

Tölvumál - 01.11.2011, Page 40
4 0 | T Ö LV U M Á L system or biological process found in nature, and hence brings little of interest to AI practitioners. As most of my readers will probably agree with, living beings don’t have infinite time and resources to perceive, make plans, make decisions, or act in the world. Most of the time, if not all the time, humans -- like other animals -- have insufficient information and limited time to acquire some desired but missing information. To address this, thinking minds generate assumptions on which to base their decisions; assumptions that are generated for the sole purpose of dealing with this lack of information. As a result, *all* decisions by thinking minds are based on assumptions that have some associated level of uncertainty. The removal of time from a theoretical analysis of computation and software development practices computer science has made the majority of its findings irrelevant to research in artificial intelligence. Why? Because intelligence is essentially not needed if time is removed: Ignoring time means we don’t care how much time a computation takes, which means we can take all the time in the world -- even infinite amounts. Having infinite amounts of time means that for any problem a complete search of all possibilities and outcomes can be made, essentially rendering intelligence unnecessary and irrelevant, since one fundamental reason why intelligence exists in the first place is because we have limited time. Another reason why artificial general intelligence has difficulties living comfortably within the confines of computer science has to do with focus. As a basis for studying complex systems, computer science brings to the table some very powerful tools, most notably the-executable-program-as- imitation: simulation. Simulation is a powerful way to study highly complex phenomena, such as ecosystems, societies, economics, biology, weather, and thought. Computer science is in many ways “applied mathematics”, and should therefore have an easy time branching out and “owning” some or all of these fields. Just like the study and creation of “artificial horses” (read: the car industry) naturally belongs to the fields of mechanical engineering and physics, artificial intelligence seems to naturally belong in the fields of computer and information sciences. This is perhaps even more true for AI than other complex natural phenomena, since all evidence brought out so far seems to indicate that thought is computation. However, rather than reaching out and touching virtually all other fields of study, like the field of mathematics has done, computer science departments in universities all over the world have become narrowly focused, reducing it to “the study of algorithms” or something equivalently narrow, thus defining it on a principle of exclusion. Which of course shuts out a large set of phenomena that are not amenable to such formalization at the present time, yet could benefit greatly from a computational approach. A prime example being systems research. Cognitive science, the study of complex natural systems implementing intelligence, and artificial intelligence, represent two sides of the same coin: one studies intelligence in the wild, the other tries to build intelligent systems in the lab. A focus on algorithms, to continue with that focus, makes it really difficult to fit cognitive science with a computer science scope. Yet there is strong reason to believe that over the next few decades interactions and inspirations between these two fields is likely to accelerate progress in our path towards a deeper understanding of intelligence: Computer science could be the naturally unifying foundation for these interactions. But with too narrow a focus the makeup of academic departments around the globe may prevent a close enough marriage to really produce the “mind children” that could be the fruits of such collaboration. As a deep thinker reading these words might have already figured, the rift between computer science and artificial intelligence discussed here is not a problem in principle, but rather a result of historical accidents: There is no reason why computer science could not have its horizon encompass numerous subjects of study not typically found there; after all, if mathematics -- the “philosophy of size” -- can flourish within computer science, surely other more “hard science” topics could -- biology, sociology, ecology, economy, psychology. If the particular path computer science has taken in the past is mainly due to history, and not fundamental differences between it and AI, then perhaps one good idea could help inch it outward, enabling it to encompass more, rather than less, of the complex world around us. I can think of a strong potential candidate idea for this purpose: the concept of emergence -- self-generative, self-organizing systems. With a history focusing on manual labour -- i.e. the hand-coding of software -- computer science has ignored an important phenomenon of nature, namely, that many systems start from small “seeds” and subsequently grow into systems of vastly greater complexity. Biological systems are a literal case in point. By studying such systems from a computational perspective at full force I predict that computer science could not only advance those fields but more importantly, in the big picture, help science overcome one of the biggest hurdles towards a deeper understanding of a host of phenomena that at the present seem hopelessly out of reach, namely emergent systems. One such system is general intelligence. Studying the principles of emergence from a computational perspective might be an obvious place to start expanding the field to a size that seems to fit its nature. Cognitive science, the study of complex naturally intelligent systems, and artificial intelligence, represent two sides of the same coin: one studies intelligence in the wild, the other tries to build intelligent systems in the lab.



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