Álit: tímarit löggiltra endurskoðenda - 01.01.1988, Blaðsíða 35

Álit: tímarit löggiltra endurskoðenda - 01.01.1988, Blaðsíða 35
(perhaps I should be saying it the other way around, that IASC has a Standard that is in conformity with Icelandic accounting standards). I congratulate you for doing so. Viðauki úr IASC NEWS: ICELANDIC ACCOUNTING SIMILAR TO IASC PROPOSALS FOR HYPERINFLATION- ARY ECONOMIES „In Iceland your accounting is good because you have financial statements that only show profits if you have beaten inflation,“ IASC Secretary-General, Da- vid Cairns, told the Icelandic Chamber of Commerce and the Icelandic accountancy body, Félag löggiltra endurskoðenda, in Reykjavík recently. „Furthermore, these financial statements are used as the basis for taxa- tion which means that enterprises only pay taxes on re- al profits," commented David Cairns. „The historical cost system works reasonably well when there is no inflation but it is meaningless when there is hyperinflation because the yard stick is con- stantly changing," said David Cairns. „In hyperinfla- tionary economies, it is impossible to make compari- sons over time without restating monetary amounts." David Cairns explained that IASC Exposure Draft, E31, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Econo- mies, requires that the primary financial statements of any enterprise reporting in currency of a hyperinfla- tionary economy should be expressed in terms of the measuring unit at the balance sheet date. In other words, everything is expressed in the same measuring unit. „The proposals in E31 are very similar to the re- quirements in the Taxes Act in Iceland and the opin- ions issued by the Félag löggiltra endurskoðenda," he commented. David Cairns also explained that they are also similar to what had been done in such countries as Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Israel, whose advice was sought by IASC when developing E31. Nú ábyrgisl Búnaðarbankinn tékka, útgefna af eigendum Gullreiknings að upphteð alll að kr. 10.000,- án framvísunar bankakorts. Til pess þarf tékkitm að bera mynd af reikningshafa en slíkt stendur eigendum Gullreiknings til boða. Pað fer ekki milli mála hver þú ert. Nýjung: Tékkaábyrgð án bankakorts á tékkum með mynd af reikningshafa. ’Bl)NADARB,\NKINN \! TRAUSTUR BANKI 35


Álit: tímarit löggiltra endurskoðenda

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