
Jökull - 01.07.2003, Blaðsíða 20

Jökull - 01.07.2003, Blaðsíða 20
de Ruyter de Wildt et al. ously describe the state of that part of the boundary- layer that generates  . The Greenland ice sheet is so large that advection of relatively warm air from ice free areas does not affect  . Greuell et al. (1997) also used  and e and found that a value of 8 for m is suitable for a site high in the accumulation area of the Pasterze (Austria). On the tongue of that glacier, however, it was not and they noted that this was pre- sumably caused by the shallow katabatic layer over the tongue. We find the same for Vatnajökull when and e are used in the equations 10 and 11 in stead of   and e  (Figure 10b). We then find a value of 2 for m (with a residual standard deviation for !  of 0.028), which is not acceptable from a theoretical point of view (Konzelmann et al., 1994). However, in this case a more realistic value of 9 correspond less well to the data (residual standard deviation for !  is 0.035). This means that the katabatic layer over Vatnajökull is generally not thick enough to influence  and that relatively warm air above the katabatic layer plays a larger role. When an expression for !  is available, ! can be determined by fitting the parameterization to data that were measured when the sky was entirely over- cast ( =1). The values that we find for the different stations lie between 0.937 and 0.958 and do not dis- play any variation with altitude. We therefore use the mean value of 0.952 henceforth. This value is in line with those found by Konzelmann et al. (1994), 0.952, and by Greuell et al. (1997), 0.976. Next,  is deter- mined from the data for which 0< <1 (for =0 and =1, p has no influence). For all stations the same value is found, namely 3, except for R5 where it has a value of 4. For this station, however, only few data are available. We therefore use a value of 3 throughout. Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the people involved in the 1996 Vatnajökull experiment, and especially Friedl Obleitner, Finnur Pálsson, Paul Smeets and Jan de Wolde for providing information about the data. We also thank Trausti Jónsson from the Icelandic Mete- orological Office for providing climatological data. Several anonymous reviewers provided useful com- ments. This work was funded by SRON (Space Re- search Organization of the Netherlands) under project number eo-030. The Vatnajökull experiment was sup- ported by the European Union (Framework IV, con- tract EV5V-CT95-0105), The National Power Com- pany of Iceland and NWO (Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research) through GOA (Netherlands Geosciences Foundation). ÁGRIP Reiknilíkan af afkomu Vatnajökuls Mæligögn um orkubúskap í sex sjálfvirkum veður- stöðvum og afkomu Vatnajökuls frá 1995–1996 eru notuð til þess að stilla af líkön sem lýsa afkomu hans með veðurþáttum frá veðurstöðvum utan jökulsins. Líkanið er síðan notað til þess að líkja eftir afkomu áranna 1965 til 1999 eftir mældu hitastigi og úrkomu á Kirkjubæjarklaustri. Líkanið bendir til þess að við hlýnun um 1ÆC, sem fylgdi 5,3% aukning í úrkomu, myndi afkoma Vatnajökuls rýrna um 0,56 m að vatns- gildi, jafndreift yfir jökulinn. REFERENCES Ambach, W. 1963. Untersuchungen zum Energieumsatz in der Ablationszone des grönlandischen Inlandeises (Camp IV-EGIG, 69Æ40’05” N, 49Æ37’58” W). Med- delelser om Grønland 174(4). Ambach, W. and M. Kuhn 1985. Accumulation gradients in Greenland and mass balance response to climatic changes. Z. Gletscherk. Glazialgeol. 21, 311–317. Andreas, E. 1987. A theory for the scalar roughness and the scalar transfer coefficients over snow and sea ice. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 38, 159-184. Arnold, N. S. I. C. Willis, M. J. Sharp, K. S. Richards and W. J. Lawson 1996. A distributed surface energy- balance model for a small valley glacier. I. Develop- ment and testing for Haut Glacier d’Arolla, Valais, Switzerland. J. Glaciol. 42(140), 77–89. Björnsson, H., F. Pálsson, M. T. Guðmundsson and H. H. Haraldsson 1997. Afkoma, Hreyfing og afrennsli á vestan- og norðanverðum Vatnajökli jökulárið 1995– 1996. Rep. RH-24-97, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 57 pp. Björnsson, H., F. Pálsson, M. T. Guðmundsson and H. H. Haraldsson 1998a. Mass balance of western and north- ern Vatnajökull, Iceland, 1991–1995. Jökull 45, 35– 58. 18 JÖKULL No. 52, 2003
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