
Jökull - 01.07.2003, Blaðsíða 57

Jökull - 01.07.2003, Blaðsíða 57
Data report Seismicity in Iceland during 2001 Bergþóra S. Þorbjarnardóttir, Gunnar B. Guðmundsson and Steinunn S. Jakobsdóttir Department of Geophysics, Icelandic Meteorological Office, Bústaðavegur 9, 150 Reykjavík, Iceland; begga@vedur.is, gg@vedur.is, ssj@vedur.is Abstract — Over 14,000 earthquakes were located in 2001 by the SIL seismic system. During the first half of the year the majority of the located earthquakes were aftershocks of the magnitude 6.6 earthquakes of June 2000. The Mýrdalsjökull region was more seismically active than usual in the first half of the year and the Reykjanes ridge was fairly active in the latter half of the year. Many small earthquake swarms occurred as well, the two largest along the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, offshore northern Iceland. The larger of these swarms originated in Öxarfjörður with a total number of earthquakes greatly exceeding previous swarms in the area, recorded by the SIL system. Five stations were added to the SIL network and one station was dismantled. At the end of the year 42 seismic stations comprised the SIL network. INTRODUCTION The SIL seismic system is a network of 3- component digital seismic stations and a data pro- cessing system (Jakobsdóttir et al., 2002). In 1990 eight stations were installed in the South Iceland Low- lands. The number has since gradually increased to 42 in 2001 (Figure 1). The stations are concentrated along the seismic zones and rift zones through Ice- land. Since its installment the system has recorded nearly 200,000 events (May, 2003). The density of the SIL network varies between areas, producing vary- ing detection levels. In some areas, for example the Reykjanes peninsula and the South Iceland Lowlands, the detection threshold is about 0. In other areas, such as the highlands, the stations are more widely spaced and only earthquakes greater than 1.5 may be detected. At the beginning of 2001, a total of 38 stations were operating within the SIL network (Figure 1). Three stations were installed late in the year 2000, but were not fully operational until 2001. These stations are; Vestmannaeyjar (ves), offshore southern Iceland, and Flatey (fla) and Brettingsstaðir (bre) in the north. Other stations added during the year were Grímsfjall (grf) on the Vatnajökull ice cap and Eystri Skógar (esk), southwest of the Mýrdalsjökull glacier. The Hafnarfjörður (haf) station in southwest Iceland was dismantled due to increasing traffic in the area. Thus a total of 42 stations comprised the SIL network at the end of the year 2001 (Figure 1). TJÖRNES FRACTURE ZONE The largest earthquake swarms in 2001 occurred within the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, offshore northern Iceland (Figures 1 and 2). The Tjörnes Fracture Zone is a transform fault zone connecting the rift zone in north Iceland with that of the Kolbeinsey Ridge. Most of the seismicity in north Iceland is associated with this zone (Rögnvaldssson et al., 1998). In Septem- ber and October 2001 an earthquake swarm occurred in Öxarfjörður with over 2000 earthquakes. This is the largest swarm that has been recorded in the Öxar- fjörður area by the SIL system since it was expanded in 1994 to cover the northern rift zone (Figure 3). As the swarm progressed the seismicity migrated to the southwest. In December another large swarm was located within the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, north of Eyjafjörður (Figures 1 and 2). Over 1200 earthquakes were lo- cated. JÖKULL No. 52, 2003 55
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