
Jökull - 01.07.2003, Blaðsíða 30

Jökull - 01.07.2003, Blaðsíða 30
Leó Kristjánsson 100 100 200 20 0 30 0 Si Sk B E F L Eh H V A 63°54 63°53 22°1520’ 0 1 km 2 Figure 4. Stippled: outcrops of the Skálamælifell excursion, Reykjanes peninsula. Si: Siglubergsháls. Sk: Skálamælifell. H: Höfði. E: Einbúi. L: Langihryggur. Eh: Einihlíðar. A,V: Austara and Vestara Hrauns- sels-Vatnsfell (acc. to 1:50,000 maps). B: Borgarfjall. Slaga is south of Borgarfjall; Sandfell is south of the two Hraunssels-Vatnsfells; Fiskidalsfjall, Festarfjall and Lyngfell lie around Siglubergsháls; Stórihrútur is the peak northeast of Langihryggur. Hatched: Area in Fagradalsfjall (F) where outcrops of lavas having southerly declinations are found. – Á gráleitu svæðunum koma fyrir hraunlög runnin þegar segulskautið lá sunnan við miðbaug. Á skástrikaða svæðinu í Fagradalsfjalli eru opnur í hraunlög frá tíma þegar segulskautið var stutt norðan miðbaugs. PALEOMAGNETIC SAMPLING ON THE REYKJANES PENINSULA Introduction - previous work At the suggestion of the late Prof. Þ. Einarsson of the University of Iceland, Á. Guðmundsson and J. Í. Pét- ursson carried out a field survey of magnetic polari- ties at a number of lava sites in the Reykjanes penin- sula in the mid-1970’s. Most of these sites exhib- ited normal polarity, as could be expected, but sev- eral did not yield clear polarities. Guðmundsson and the present author initiated sampling of anomalous sites for laboratory measurements of remanence in 1977–1978. Some of these turned out to be affected by lightning strikes, while others had reliable direc- tions with low negative inclinations and westerly de- clinations. Kristjánsson andGuðmundsson (1980) de- scribed measurements on these low-inclination units 28 JÖKULL No. 52, 2003
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