Jökull - 01.12.2007, Side 7
Early Pleistocene molluscan migration to Iceland
Table 1. Molluscs, barnacles, and polychaets from the Búlandshöfði Formation, Snæfellsnes, western Iceland.
– Lindýr, hrúðurkarlar og liðormar í Búlandshöfðamyndun á Snæfellsnesi.
Species Biogeographical Depth Salinity tolerance Búland Höfði
characteristics Member Member
NoI * % NoI * %
Littorina littorea Boreal-lusitanian Foreshore/ a-mesohaline (>5‰) 1 1.3
(Linné, 1758) tidal zone
Onoba aculeus Arctic-lusitanian Foreshore/ a-mesohaline (>5‰) 1 0.2
(Gould, 1841) tidal zone
Tachyrhynchus erosus Arctic Shoreface Euhaline (>30‰) 4 0.6
(Couthouy, 1838)
Trichotropis borealis Arctic-lusitanian Offshore Euhaline (>30‰) 1 0.2
Broderip & Sowerby, 1829
Lunatia pallida Arctic-lusitanian Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 3 0.4
(Broderip & Sowerby, 1829)
Tectonatica affinis Arctic-lusitanian Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 9 1.3
(Gmelin, 1790)
Nucella lapillus Boreal-lusitanian Foreshore/ Polyhaline (>25‰) 2 2.7
(Linné, 1758) tidal zone
Trophonopsis truncatus Arctic-boreal Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 16 2.3
(Ström, 1767)
Trophonopsis clathratus Arctic-lusitanian Foreshore/ Polyhaline (>25‰) 2 0.3
(Linné, 1767) tidal zone
Neptunea despecta Arctic-lusitanian Shoreface Polyhaline (>25‰) 3 0.4
(Linné, 1758)
Neptunea sp. 1 0.2
Buccinum undatum Subarctic-lusitanian Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 5 0.7
Linné, 1758
Buccinum cf. cyaneum Arctic-lusitanian Shoreface Polyhaline (>25‰) 1 0.2
Bruguière, 1792
Colus latericeus Arctic-subarctic Offshore Euhaline (>30‰) 1 0.2
(Møller, 1842)
Colus cf. sarsii Arctic-boreal Offshore Euhaline (>30‰)? 1 0.2
(Jeffreys, 1869)
Colus sp. 6 0.9 1 1.3
Gastropoda sp. 1 1.3
*Number of Individuals continues next page
JÖKULL No. 57 5