Jökull - 01.12.2007, Síða 10
Símonarson and Leifsdóttir
Table 2. Molluscs from the Máná Formation, Breiðavík, northern Iceland. – Lindýr í Mánármyndun í Breiðuvík
á Tjörnesi.
Torfhóll Member
Species Biogeographical Depth Salinity tolerance Torfhóll Stapavík
NoI * % NoI * %
Lepeta caeca Arctic-boreal Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 1 0.4
(Müller, 1776)
Tectonatica affinis Arctic-lusitanian Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 10 3.7
(Gmelin, 1790)
Buccinum undatum Subarctic-lusitanian Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 7 3.9 6 2.2
Linné, 1758
Gastropoda sp. 6 3.3 5 1.8
Nuculoma tenuis Arctic-boreal Offshore b-mesohaline (>15‰) 12 6.6 2 0.7
(Montagu, 1808)
Nuculana pernula Arctic-subarctic Changing b-mesohaline (>15‰) 2 1.1
(Møller, 1842) depth
Nuculana pernula Arctic? Changing b-mesohaline (>15‰)? 1 0.6
buccata (Møller, 1842) depth
Nuculana sp. 1 0.4
Mytilus edulis Subarctic-lusitanian Foreshore/ Oligohaline (<5‰) 4 2.2
Linné, 1758 tidal zone
Chlamys breidavikensis 49 18.0
MacNeil, 1967
Tridonta borealis Arctic-boreal Changing a-mesohaline (>5‰) 1 0.4
(Schumacher, 1817) depth
Arctica islandica Subarctic-lusitanian Foreshore/ a-mesohaline (>5‰) 2 1.1 1 0.4
(Linné, 1767) tidal zone
Axinopsida orbiculata Arctic-boreal Shoreface Polyhaline (>25‰) 1 0.4
(Sars, 1878)
Ciliatocardium ciliatum Arctic-boreal Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 13 7.1 15 5.5
(Fabricius, 1780)
Serripes groenlandicus Arctic-boreal Shoreface b-mesohaline (>15‰) 6 3.3 22 8.1
(Mohr, 1786)
*Number of Individuals continues next page
8 JÖKULL No. 57