
Jökull - 01.12.2007, Síða 42

Jökull - 01.12.2007, Síða 42
McPeek et al. Figure 1. (Left) Satellite image of the 1783 AD Laki flow and the 934 AD Eldgjá flow. (Right) Satellite image of the 1554 AD Hekla flow and the 1300 AD Hekla flow. Maps were adapted from Jóhannesson et al. (1990) and Jóhannesson and Sæmundsson 1998. – Gervitunglamynd af Eystra gosbeltinu og Heklusvæðinu. Hraun frá Skaftáreldum 1783, Heklu 1300 og 1554 og Eldgjá 934 eru teiknuð eftir jarðfræðikortunum frá 1990 og 1998. 1996). An estuarine sample, SRM1646a, was used as a standard. The resulting three fractions are occ- luded, mineral, and organic P. The occluded fraction was analyzed using the Leeman Labs P950 Inducti- vely Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES). The mineral and organic fractions were analyzed on the Shimadzu-UVPC spectrophotometer. The resulting concentrations of P fractions were mul- tiplied by the density of the soil and the depth of the sample trench to obtain a total amount of each fraction of P in the soil. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION At each sample site, the concentration of organic C was determined as a function of soil depth. On the ol- dest flow of 934 AD, this was a straightforward exer- cise as it had a deep soil profile. Soil organic C was the highest in the top soil, but was progressively lower in deeper layers of soil (Figure 2). Our results seem to be inconsistent with earlier Icelandic studies that de- monstrated soil organic C to be lower in top than in deeper soil where erosion is severe (Oskarsson et al., 2004). The different patterns are presumably caused by geographical variations, which can affect C content and distribution in Icelandic Andosols (Oskarsson et al., 2004). The pattern of soil organic C distribution 40 JÖKULL No. 57
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