
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.2007, Qupperneq 52

Jökull - 01.12.2007, Qupperneq 52
Þorbjarnardóttir et al. During 2006 a geothermal power plant was under construction in the Hengill area. In February, water was injected into a borehole on three occasions. After recording seemingly induced microearthquakes in the vicinity of the borehole, two extra seismometers were installed to monitor crustal processes. The induced earthquakes were relocated using a double-difference method, where the majority of hypocenters clustered along a 1 km near-vertical plane northeast from the borehole. The borehole was 2.2 km deep, which cor- relates well with the location of the earthquakes at 1– 2 km depth (Vogfjörð and Hjaltadóttir, 2007). Along the South Iceland Seismic Zone earthquake activity was low, though fairly constant. No earth- quake sequences were recorded, but aftershocks were concentrated along the June 2000 faults, as in previ- ous years. Katla volcano There are two seismically active areas beneath the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap, within the Katla caldera and in the currently more active Goðabunga area to the im- mediate west of the caldera (Figure 1). Seismicity in the Goðabunga area has followed a seasonal pattern for the last decades, where the number of earthquakes in the second half of the year is many times higher than in the first half. Increased pore pressure in the crust and the decreased mass of the overlying ice cap are possible influences on the seismicity rate (Einars- son and Brandsdóttir, 2000; Jónsdóttir et al., 2007). In July 1999, earthquake and geothermal activity increased beneath the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap. A short- lived jökulhlaup took place (Sigurðsson et al., 2000; Roberts et al., 2003), a new cauldron formed within the Katla caldera, pre-existing ones deepened (Guð- mundsson et al., 2000) and crustal uplift increased (Sturkell et al., 2003). In 2001 the fall seismicity be- neath Goðabunga was especially intense and contin- ued into 2002. Though earthquake activity decreased slightly over the summer months, it was continuous throughout the year. This period of unrest continued to the end of 2004, when the earthquake activity re- sumed its seasonal nature. At roughly the same time, uplift decreased within the Katla caldera (Sturkell et al., 2008). In 2006 the usual seasonal seismicity beneath Goðabunga and seismicity within the Katla caldera were observed. In addition, an unusual swarm of earthquakes was detected beneath Entujökull, north of Goðabunga (Figure 5). Unlike the seismic events beneath Goðabunga, which are characterized by low- frequency energy, the earthquakes beneath Entujökull were high-frequency events. Twelve earthquakes, 0.3–2.4 in magnitude, were located at a depth of 7 km from 13–19 November. The hypocenter distri- bution of these events delineates a vertical, northwest- striking fault plane. Focal mechanisms suggest left- lateral movement along the apparent fault. Vatnajökull Region From late December 2004 to September 2006, six seismic stations were installed in an area north of the Vatnajökull ice cap. The stations were added to the SIL network to monitor possible induced movement in the crust associated with the construction of the hy- droelectrical power plant at Kárahnjúkar (Jakobsdóttir et al., 2005). The filling of the Kárahnjúkar reservoir, Hálslón, began at the end of September 2006. On 22 October a magnitude 1.4 earthquake was located at about 17 km depth east of the reservoir. This was the only earthquake recorded in 2006 that is possibly as- sociated with crustal subsidence caused by the forma- tion of the reservoir. The addition of the Kárahnjúkar seismic stations increased the number of earthquakes detected by the SIL system in the region from northwest Vatnajökull to the Askja caldera and Herðubreið. The magnitude of completeness (Mc) has decreased by about 0.3 for northwest Vatnajökull (Figure 6A), and about 0.5 for the Askja-Herðubreið region (Figure 6B). The largest earthquake sequence in the Vatnajök- ull region in 2006 was a mainshock-aftershock se- quence, just southwest of Kistufell in the northwest- ern sector of the ice cap (Figure 7). The mainshock occurred on 24 September with a magnitude of 3.7 at a depth of 11.5 km. The seismicity was most intense during the first three days, but the sequence lasted for nine days. This is the largest earthquake sequence that has been recorded in this area, but recorded seismic- ity has increased since mid 2005. After relocation, the majority of hypocenters in the sequence clustered 50 JÖKULL No. 57
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