
Jökull - 01.01.2009, Side 82

Jökull - 01.01.2009, Side 82
Hannesdóttir et al. dóttir et al., 1997). The Hestvatn sedimentary record is the only archive where the isolation contact (transi- tion frommarine to a terrestrial environment) in South Iceland has been dated. The uppermost seismic sub-unit IIIb with the very fine acoustic reflectors matching tephra layers in the sediment cores reflects sedimentation in a freshwater system. Most of the sediment of this unit was formed from a suspended load, which also results in a much better preservation of tephra layers than in the under- lying seismic units. The multibeam bathymetric map reflects the most recent conditions in Hestvatn. Relict geomorphic structures are thought to reflect sedimen- tation during earlier times. Implication for the deglacial history of the south- ern lowlands of Iceland and correlation with the North Atlantic region Different views on the size of the Younger Dryas glacier in South Iceland have been suggested. Kjart- ansson (1939) described a limited Late Weichselian ice sheet, with thin lobate glaciers from the high- lands, following themodern river courses of Hvítá and Þjórsá. A heavy Younger Dryas glaciation of South Iceland was inferred by Hjartarson and Ingólfsson (1988) and Hjartarson (1991) based on deficit of shells of Allerød age in the southern lowlands. Geirsdóttir et al. (2000) argued a more limited Younger Dryas glaciation based on research of the Búði moraines and lacustrine studies from South Iceland (also Harðar- dóttir et al., 2001a). Re-interpreted seismic data and multibeam images from Hestvatn have revealed a dy- namic depositional environment during the deglacia- tion of the southern lowlands. The occurrence of glacial deposits in the north sub-basin of Hestvatn and the restriction of the Vedde Ash to the marine sediments in the south-basin, in- dicates that during Younger Dryas time (12.7–11.5 ka) outlet glaciers in southern Iceland terminated in a marine embayment inland from the current coast- line, at or just beyond the Búði moraines in southern Figure 9. Possible position of ice margin at various times during Younger Dryas, deglaciation and Early Holocene derived from available data. Images based on Digital Elevation Maps (http://edcdaac.usgs.gov), with a resolution of about 1 km per grid cell. Glacial striations are marked with black lines and fluted moraines with blue lines (Kaldal and Víkingsson, 1990). A. Younger Dryas glacier terminating in Hestvatn (!12.0 cal. kyr BP), various evidence of the glacier terminating in the north basin of Hestvatn (see text). B. Búði morainal complex (!11.0 cal. kyr BP), the configuration of the moraines (orange) is from Kjartansson (1939), Hjart- arson and Ingólfsson (1988) Geirsdóttir et al. (1997), and evidence of ice-marginal lakes is from Áskelsson (1942), Kjartansson (1964), Tómasson (1993), and Geirsdóttir et al. (2000). Red dots are sections with jökul- hlaup deposits mapped by Axelsdóttir (2005). C. Isolation of Hestvatn and jökulhlaups (!10.6 cal. kyr BP). Extent of ice-dammed lakes based on measurements by Tómasson (1993), end-moraines mapped by Kaldal and Víkingsson (1990). D. Early Holocene (!10.0 cal. kyr BP), glacier retreating towards the mountainous area in SE Iceland, most of the highlands ice free. – Möguleg staða ísaldarjökulsins á mismunandi tímum frá Yngra Dryas til upphafs Nútíma byggt á margvíslegum gögnum. Grunnmyndir frá http://edcdaac.usgs.govmeð 1 km upplausn. Jökulrákir merktar með svörtum línum og jökulgarðar með bláum línum (Ingibjörg Kaldal and Skúli Víkingsson, 1990). A. Yngri Dryas jökullinn kelfir í Hestvatni (sjá texta). B. Búðagarðarnir (um 11.000 ára gamlir) sýndir á einfaldan hátt með appelsínugulum línum samkvæmt Guðmundi Kjartanssyni (1939) og Árna Hjartarsyni og Ólafi Ingólfssyni (1988), Áslaugu Geirsdóttur o. fl. (1997). Gögn um jökulstífluð vötn eru fengin frá Jóhannesi Áskelssyni (1942), Guðmundi Kjartanssyni (1964), Hauki Tómassyni (1993), og Ás- laugu Geirsdóttur o. fl. (2000). Rauðir punktar tákna opnur þar sem jökulhlaupaset hefur verið kortlagt (Hulda Axelsdóttir, 2005). C. Einangrun Hestvatns og fyrstu jökulhlaup (um 10.600 ár). Jökulstífluð vötn á Kili eru teiknuð samkvæmt mælingum frá Hauki Tómassyni (1993), jökulgarðar eftir Skúla Víkingssyni og Ingibjörgu Kaldal (1990). D. Upphaf Nútíma (10.000 ár) og jökullinn hörfar inn til landsins. Á þessum tíma er mestur hluti hálendisins orðinn jökullaus. 82 JÖKULL No. 59
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