Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Page 43
Opinber útgjöld
Tafla 3.3. Útgjöld sveitarfélaga til menningarmála 1990-1997
Table 3.3. Local government expenditure on cultural and recreational activities 1990-1997
Útgjöld í millj. kr. 1990 1991 1992 1993 Expenditure in million ISK
Local government expenditure on
Menningarútgjöld sveitarfélaga alls 4.536 5.133 5.769 7.149 cultural and recreational activities, total
Þar af varið til Thereof allocated to
Fjölmiðlunar - - - Mass media and publishing
Safna, lista o.fl. 1.774 2.260 2.335 2.757 Cultural ajfairs and services
Trúmála 25 33 23 23 Religious and other community affairs
Æskulýðs-, íþrótta og útivistarmála 2.666 2.756 3.342 4.298 Recreational and sporting activities
Annarra menningarmála 70 83 68 71 Other recreational and cultural activities
Útgjöld til menningarmála sem Expenditure on cultural and recreational
hlutfall af heildarútgjöldum activities as percentage of total local
sveitarfélaga, % 16,83 16,38 17,05 19,63 government expenditure
Útgjöld í millj. kr. 1994 1995 1996 1997 Expenditure in million ISK
Local government expenditure on
Menningarútgjöld sveitarfélaga alls 7.115 6.427 6.565 7.637 cultural and recreational activities, total
Þar af varið til Thereof allocated to
Fjölmiðlunar - - - Mass media and publishing
Safna, lista o.fl. 2.746 2.521 2.611 2.954 Cultural affairs and services
Trúmála 26 19 17 20 Religious and other community affairs
Æskulýðs-, íþrótta og útivistarmála 4.260 3.834 3.886 4.575 Recreational and sporting activities
Annarra menningarmála 84 54 51 89 Other recreational and cultural activities
Útgjöld til menningarmála sem Expenditure on cultural and recreational
hlutfall af heildarútgjöldum activities as percentage of total local
sveitarfélaga, % 18,02 17,32 15,92 14,66 government expenditure
Skýring: Tölur eru námundaðar. Note: Figures are rounded to the nearest decimal and do not necessari/y add up to the total.
Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun (Búskapur hins opinbera og óútgefm gögn). Source: National Economic Institute (Búskapur hins opinbera and unpublished data).
Mynd 3.1. Opinber útgjöld til menningarmála sem hlutfail af heildarútgjöldum 1990-1997
Figure 3.1. Public expenditure on cultural and recreational activities as percentage of total expenditure 1990-1997
Hið opinbera
j Sveitarfélög
Local government
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997