Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Blaðsíða 45
Bækur og bókaútgáfa
Tafla 5.1. Bókaútgáfa 1965-1997. Fjöldi binda
Table 5.1. Book publishing 1965-1997. Number of volumes
Barnabækur Bindi á
Books for 1.000 íbúa
Allar útgáfur Bækur Bæklingar Frumútgáfur Endurútgáfur children and Kennslubækur Volumes per
All editions Books Booklets First editions Later editions young people Textbooks 1.000 inh.
1965 660 398 262 626 34 51 27 3,4
1970 674 461 213 617 57 85 61 3,3
1975 795 514 281 670 125 90 109 3,6
1976 840 570 270 696 144 83 119 3,8
1977 874 608 266 736 138 116 96 3,9
1978 1.045 696 349 891 154 148 72 4,7
1979 1.035 669 366 883 152 180 106 4,6
1980 1.193 723 470 990 203 200 164 5,2
1981 1.179 764 415 987 192 159 153 5,1
1982 1.329 903 426 1.133 196 166 135 5,6
1983 1.210 787 423 987 223 134 172 5,1
1984 1.096 707 389 917 179 115 114 4,6
1985 1.203 825 378 1.001 202 131 168 5,0
1986 1.282 887 395 1.043 239 104 181 5,3
1987 1.295 928 367 1.031 264 138 155 5,2
1988 1.244 879 365 1.028 216 129 154 4,9
1989 1.340 935 405 1.152 188 158 222 5,3
1990 1.593 1.101 492 1.235 358 194 334 6,2
1991 1.606 1.063 543 1.281 325 250 246 6,2
1992 1.740 1.112 628 1.288 452 245 329 6,6
1993 1.525 1.051 474 1.149 376 155 270 5,8
1994 1.550 1.045 505 1.198 352 119 287 5,8
1995 1.601 1.046 555 1.271 330 130 222 6,0
1996 1.671 1.094 577 1.311 360 137 283 6,2
1997' 1.652 1.039 613 1.280 372 143 303 6,1
Skýring: Til bóka eru taldar útgáfur 49 síður og fleiri, en til bæklinga teljast útgáfiir 5-48 síður. Note: Books are definedas editions with 49pages and more:
booklets are defmed as editions with 5-48 pages.
1 Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data.
Heimild: Landsbókasafn íslands - Háskólabókasafn (íslensk bókaskrá). Source: National and University Library of Iceland (The Icelandic National
Mynd 5.1. Bókaútgáfa 1975-1997
Figure 5.1. Book publishing 1975-1997
No. of
á 1.000