Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.08.1999, Side 169
Tafla 13.1. Sjónvarpsnotendur 1967-1998
Table 13.1. Television users 1967—1998
Afnotagjöld alls License-fee Svart-hvít tæki Littæki Fjöldi afnotagjalda á 1.000 íbúa No. oflicenses Fjöldi afnotagjalda af littækjum sem hlutfall af öllum afnotagjöldum Colour-TV licenses as percentage
accounts, total Black and white TV Colour TV per 1,000 inh. of total licenses
1967 19.194 19.194 96,0
1968 26.025 26.025 128,7
1969 33.095 33.095 162,7
1970 38.900 38.900 190,1
1971 42.269 42.269 204,0
1972 46.146 46.146 218,9
1973 47.997 47.997 224,8
1974 50.854 50.854 234,8
1975 53.519 53.519 244,3
1976' 54.847 54.847 248,3
1977 56.885 55.764 1.121 255,7 2,0
1978 59.819 48.360 11.459 266,6 19,2
1979 61.812 39.180 22.632 272,6 36,6
19802 62.868 32.625 30.243 274,3 48,1
1981 63.924 26.070 37.854 275,6 59,2
1982 64.971 18.084 46.887 275,9 72,2
1983 66.347 13.850 52.497 278,6 79,1
1984 67.419 11.538 55.881 280,4 82,9
1985 69.775 7.784 61.991 288,2 88,8
1986 71.211 6.042 65.169 291,8 91,5
1987 73.507 4.616 68.891 297,2 93,7
1988 75.954 3.854 72.100 301,8 94,9
1989 75.312 3.245 72.067 297,1 95,7
1990 77.497 2.814 74.683 303,1 96,4
1991 81.258 2.500 78.758 313,0 96,9
1992 83.529 2.195 81.334 318,6 97,4
1993 85.954 1.935 84.019 324,5 97,7
1994 86.762 1.647 85.115 325,2 98,1
1995 88.378 1.467 86.911 330,0 98,3
1996 90.185 1.321 88.864 334,4 98,5
1997 89.493 1.075 88.418 328,9 98,8
1998 90.899 909 89.990 330,2 99,0
Skýring: Tala afnotagjalda 1967-1973 miðast við 1. október, 1977-1985 við 1. mars, annars við árslok. Note: Figuresfor 1967-1973 datefrom 1 October each
year, figures from 1977-1985 date from 1 March each year, figures for 1986-1998 end-of-year data.
1 Sjónvarpið hóf útsendingar í lit 24. október 1975. Fljótlega var hafið að taka sérstakt afnotagjald fyrir litsjónvarpstæki. The Icelandic NationalBroadcasting
Service-TVstarted colour transmissions on 24 October 1975. The collection of a special license fee from colour-TVowners began the followingyear.
2 Áætlaðar tölur. Estimatedfigures.
Heimild: Ríkisútvarpið (Ársskýrslur og upplýsingar innheimtudeildar). Source: Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (Annual Reports and unpub/ished