Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1975, Qupperneq 20

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1975, Qupperneq 20
18 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR borin þessi tvö ár, 1963 og 1973. Á Sáms- stöðum er stærri Kjarnaskammturinn meiri en venjulegur túnskammmr, 180 kg N/ha. Afleiðangarnar eru veruleg rýrnun katjón- anna Ca-J-Mg-f-K, sem minnka dr 10,3 m.e. niður í 6,3 m.e. Þetta jafngildir því, að mettun jónrýmdarinnar hafi fallið úr um 20 af hundraði niður í 12 af hundraði á þessu 10 ára tímabili. Samkvæmt erlendum rannsóknum má gera ráð fyrir óæskilega miklum áhrifum járns og áls og jafnvel beinum Ca-skorti fyrir að- fluttan gróður, ef Ca-mettun jónrýmdarinnar fellur langt niður fyrir 20—25 af hundraði SUMMARY Changes in hase status and soil organic matter content resulting from long-term use of three different nitrogen fertilizers Bjarni Helgason Agricultural Research lnstitute, Reykjavík, Iceland. 20—25 years of continuous use of ammoni- um nitrate, ammonium sulphate and calcium nitrate at four experimental stations has re- sulted in significant changes in soil pH, ex- changeble Ca++, Mg++ and K+ and also in minor changes in soil organic matter con- tent. The experimental sites are in south of Iceland at Sámsstaðir where it is located on a freely drained slightly sloping soil with a cation exchange capacity (CEC) of 52 m.e/ 100 g, and at Akureyri in the North, where the site is imperfectly drained mineral soil (CEC = 60.9 m.e.), at Reykhólar in the western part of the country on a reclaimed peat (CEC = 69-9 m.e.) and in the East the site is at Skriðuklaustur on a reclaimed but imperfectly drained peat (CEC= 60.9 m.e.). (Coleman, Kamprath og Weed 1958), (Jackson 1967). Þetta mettunarhlutfall er talið þurfa að vera enn meira, eftir því sem jarðvegur verður snauðari að lífrænum efnum og leirkenndari, en þó breytilegur eftir því, um hvaða leirtegund er að ræða í jarðvegin- um (Coleman, Kamprath og Weed 1958). Með hliðsjón af þessu og því, hve heildarmettunarhlutfall (Ca-f-Mg-j-K) hefur minnkað í sumum tilraunaliðum, sem hér hefur verið fjallað um, má kannski ætla, að sú stund kunni að renna upp, fyrr en varir, a. m. k. sumsstaðar, að notkun kalks komi til álita sem reglubundinn þáttur í ræktun. Changes are largely restricted to the top soil (0—5) and seem to disappear in the 10—15 cm soil depth as compared to the reference plots of no-nitrogen (Tables I, II & II A). Severe leaching due to ammonium sulp- hate has for instance resulted in Ca+ + falling from 12.7 m.e. to 2.4 m.e. at Sámsstaðir and from 16.3 m.e. to 3.8 m.e. at Reykhólar. Corresponding decrease in pH is from 5.9 to 4.8 at the former and from 5.1 to 4.3 at the latter station. On the sites at Akureyri and Sámsstaðir the pH has remained constant about 4.8 for a period of at least 10 years thus indicating the strong buffering effects within these soils (Table I). On the other hand the continuous use of calcium nitrate has led to a considerable increase in Ca++, even twice the quantity of the reference plots, esperially where net precipitation is lowest. A corresponding in- crease in soil pH will result. However, in the reference plots it is clear that changes in pH follow the quantity of organic matter, e.g. pH increases with lowering of organic matter which in mrn lowers with soil depth.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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