Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1975, Side 55

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1975, Side 55
SÁBTÍMI GRASFRÆS 5 3 ÞAKKARORÐ Höfundur þakkar Magnúsj Oskarssyni til- raunastjóra mikilsverða aðstoð. Einnig er skylt að þakka dr. Olafi Dýrmundssyni og Bjarna Guðmundssyni góð ráð og leiðbein- ingar, Hólmgeiri Björnssyni og Jóni Viðari Jónmundssyni tölfræðilega úrvinnslu og SUMMARY Sowing dates of grass seed. JÓNATAN HERMANNSSON The Agricultmal College, Hvanneyri, lceland. The report presents results of two experi- ments of different sowing dates of a grass seed mixmre during the years 1970—1974. The experiments were located at Hvanneyri Experimental Station (64° 34'N, 21° 40'W), on reclaimed peat soil. In both experiments six sowing dates at monthly intervals were compared the first sowing date being lOth of May and the last one 25th of Oktober. The difference in hay yield (85 % DM) between sowing dates was higly significant (0,01 > P > 0,001), in the Hauki Júlíussyni teikningu mynda. Starfs- fólk tilraunastöðvarinnar á Hvanneyri á og þakkir skildar. Skólastjóra Bændaskólans á Hvanneyri er þökkuð aðstaða, sem hann hefur í té látið. first and in the second year, but did not exist in the third year after sowing. Sowing in autumn and late summer resulted in reduced yield in the first two years, particularly the September sowing. Definite conclusions can- not be drawn from the results due to varia- tion in the period of time, which passed from the sowing to the harvesting of respective experimental plots. In the third year all six sowing dates had proauced satisfactory hay- fields. It is concluded that under Icelandic condition, where rotational cropping is generally not practiced, a range of sowing dates (from spring to autumn) may be suc- cessfully applied. However it appears that sowing between 15 August and 1 October may not be advisable.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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