Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1975, Síða 60

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1975, Síða 60
Per cent of all measured fibres. % af fjölda mœldra hára Per cent of ail fibres. ^ Hár meÖ ákveSiö þvermál í af öllum mceldum hárum. % Per cent of number in same diameter class. Diameter of fibres, micron. Þvermál ullarhára í u. ((.i frb. muj = ‘/i* úr mm). micron either contain tan pigment or are medullated. 2. Interrelationship between score for tan colour at birth, wool classification and pelt classification. Table 2 shows the dassification of wool of ewes at the Experimental Farm Hestur in 1961 according to their score for tan colour at birth (Adalsteinsson, 1962). The difference between score classes w.r.t. wool classification is highly significant (x2 6 — 47.79;P<0.001), showing that in- creased amount of tan colour at birth is re- flected in increased amount of tan fibres in the fleeces of adult ewes. TABLE 2. Classification of ivool of eives in for tan colour at birth. relation to score Birth No. of fleeces in wool class. score A B C Total 1 21 12 7 40 2 62 121 59 242 3 4 11 18 33 4 0 1 4 5 5 0 2 8 10 Total 87 147 96 330 Table 3 shows the relationship between score for tan colöur at birth and pelt classi- fication of the same lambs at weaning in autumn, at Hestur in 1961 (Adalsteins- SON, 1962) and at Hesmr and Hólar in 1962 (Adalsteinsson, 1963), taken together.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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