Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Page 20

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Page 20
18 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR Table 3 . Analysis of varianee. Variation in weaning weight of lambs. Source of variation D.F. M.S. E(M.S.) Between flocks 369 840,33^ c2 + 156,5c2 e Within flock 57626 26,26 c2 e registered for lambs that are slaughtered. The mean age of lambs on 1. October was 133-8 days with a standard deviation of 6.55 days. Analysis of variance between and within flocks is shown in table 3. On this basis it can be estimated that 83.5% of the total variation in the weaning weight of lambs is found within flocks. It is mostly this variation that is used when selecting for weaning weight and this variation is therefore of greatest interest in the breeding work. Yi jkl SOURCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL VARIATION WITHIN FLOCKS It is found that factors such as type of birth and rearing of lamb, age of lamb, age of dam and the sex of the lamb affect the weight of lamb. Because of the uneqal number of observa- tions in subclasses in this material least squares procedures (Harvey, 1960) have to be used to estimate the effects of these factors on the weight of lamb. The following model was chosen: y+ki+aj+rk+sik+b1(Xlijk.L-X1)+b2(X2ijk;i-X2)+eijkle Here Y..,, denotes weight of l]Kl lamb y = the overall mean k. =the effect of the ith sex, i=l,2 í a. -the effect of the jth age of dam, j -2,..., 9. 3 r =the effect of the kth type of birth and rearing group, k-l,..5. k s =the effect of interaction between k.. and r. . ík + ^ =the partial regression coefficient of weight on age of lamb. b^ =the partial regression coefficient of weight on age of lamb squared =the mean age of lamb. X2 =the mean age of lamb squared. e. . .= the error term in the model. íjkl >;


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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