Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Page 21

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Page 21
SOURCES OP VARIATION IN WEIGHTS OF LAMBS 19 For solving the equation following restic- tions were imposed: Ek. = Ea. = Er. = EEs.. = 0 i 1 j 3 k k ik lk The analysis was done within sire groups and within flocks. The effect of the age of <ú lamb squared was not significant (P>0.05) J3 and was therefore excluded from the model. g The effect of the interaction between type of & birth and rearing and sex was significant m (P<0.01) but the multipe correlation coef- m ficient (R2) was reduced by only 0.00176 g when it was excluded from the model. The model used is an additive one, but the interac- § tions is probably in part caused by the mul- kj tiplicative effect of the sex and is therefore not a real interaction effect. The final model ra was therefore reduced by both effect of g age squared and the interaction. | Results from the analysis using this model ^ are shown in table 4. Effects of the different ■§) factors in the model on weaning weight, g measured by the reduction in R2 by ex- m cluding the variables from the model are ‘Ej shown in table 5. The far most important % factor is the type of birth and rearing which alone accounts for approximateiy 65% of ,u the variation due to these variables. | The age of dam takes account of only 1.7% of the variation, but in this analysis ^ there were only lambs from dams 2 years o and older. When the age of the dam is ex- cluded from the model a part of the effect > of this factor will be measured by type of Jj birth and rearing because of the confounding of age of dam with type of birth and rearing. Q) I-1 rQ fd &H 0) b0 td -P c 0) X X X X co o X X X o u vH 05 !>• oo vH =t 0) co [>-' vH 0" LO [>• LO vH Pt S CD 05 CD CD CD lO O txO 05 vH [>• 00 lO d OJ vH CD =t CD •H 00 OO [>- œ œ d) á -H •H' X X X X co 0) X í* X X CN 5 • vH CD co vH co lO co CN CD CO CD o CO CD 05 oo ■rf co œ s LQ CD o- J* co co Ö (d CN 05 CNI oo oo o CD LO CD CD LO 5 co CN CN o s 04 vH vH 0. bO rd -p •H ■a d (U u •H o o 0) u 4h £ 0) O oo vH vH • TJ Ph CD vH zj- U) c CO oo Q œ id bO L-O LO rd c =t zt. Q o •H 5 co fd co o cu % cn xH g 05 ph- CD g CN C/D CD LO LO O oo vH p s ■H* vH zh CD LO 05 LO rc CN Zt CD CO co O vH txO CD oo CD OJ Zh •H O CO CD 05 04 <U CO O O- £ vH b0 •5 c • O oo vH vH [>~ Q) Q O vH co co CN vH oo Q lO lO « LO bO •S LO o (L) Pt P 'g d bb P o •H d) rC -P u P fd •H d u Q •H œ 0 P •H P •H fð jQ fð fu d -P T3 rH > •H y 4h Mh p 4h O 4h H TJ O O O •H (P Q) i—1 £ U (I) X Q) Jd (L) bO Q) bO P O r-j fd -p ^d < Eh co < S 9 p cn 0 0 0 cu CM 00 Eh Eh


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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