Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Page 22

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Page 22
20 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNABARRANNSÓKNIR Table 5. Effect of the different factors in the model. Variable in the model Age of lamb 5,31 Sex 8,02 Age of dam 1,73 Type of birth and rearing 25,45 TYPE OF BIRTH AND REARING The type of birth and rearing were combined in one classification in the model. The type of rearing is recorded when the lambs arrive from the mountain grazing in the autumn. Lambs of type 3X2 and 3X1 are taken as one group. Only 23 lambs in the whóle material were triplets at birth and singles in the autumn. Constants for the effects of type of birth and rearing are presented in table 6. The difference in weaning weight between twins and singles is 6.35 kg. Hallgrímsson (1971) found this difference to be 6.4 kg Table 6 . Constants for the effect of type of birth and rearing on weaning weight, carcass weight and dressing percentage. Type of birth and rearing Weaning weight Caröaás weight Dressing percentage 1X1- 4,83 0,08 2,61 0,04 1,54 0,06 2X2 -1,52 0,07 -0,91 0,04 -0,64 0,05 3X3 -3,33 0,23 -1,73 0,12 -1,02 0,16 2X1 2,19 0,10 1,19 0,05 0,72 0,07 3X2 3X1} -2,16 0,18 -1,15 0,10 -0,61 0,13


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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