Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Qupperneq 34

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Qupperneq 34
32 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR MATERIAL AND METHODS The data used in the present study were obtained from the Sheep Recording As- sociations in Iceland for the years 1970 and 1971. A description of the sheep recording system is given in a previous paper. (JÓN- MUNDSSON 1977). In the material there were a total of 38349 ewes. Of these 516 were barren, 14245 ewes had one, 23304 had two lambs and 284 had three or more lambs. Only the ewes which reared lambs until weaning in the autumn were included in the analysis. This was a total of 37833 ewes. The recording of barren ewes is probably faulty in some flocks and they were therefore excluded from the analysis. Whether the ewe drops a lamb or not and the number of lambs per ewe lambing are, at any rate, two different traits. In this material 4.93% of all lambs born were lost from birth to weaning. The percen- tage of losses is highest with the youngest and oldest ewes and higher for twins than singles (JÓNMUNDSSON, 1975a). Since the loss was so small it should not bias the estimates of the age-effect that ewes which lambed but failed to rear lambs to weaning are excluded from the analysis. The age-effect on the number of lambs born and number of lambs weaned was esti- mated by the following least square model: Y. . 13 For ewes that had recorded body weight in October and January this was added to the model as a regression vaiable and the date of mating too. Both first and second order regressions were tested. For the ewe body weight the age effect was tested by the same model as described for number of lambs. The means and standard devitions for the number of lambs born and weaned and ewe body weight in October and January are shown in table 1. The mothering ability of the ewe is evalu- ated by the score of lamb production as described by Adalsteinsson (1966). This score (P) is calcualted as: P = k + (X. - X) / s . Where Xj is the weight of lambs of the ith ewe corrected for environmental factors as described by Jónmundsson (1977 X is the mean weight of the lambs per ewe in the flock calculated seperately for ewes with singles and twins and s is the standard deviation for the group. The k is a constant giving the mean of the score and equals 5 here. This score was calculated both on carcass weight of lambs (score 1) and weaning weight of lambs (score 2). The heritabilities and genetic and pheno- typic correlations were calculated by half-sib correlations from the components estimated Here Y^ denotes number of lambs. y = The overall mean ■a^ .= the effect of the ith age group, i — 2,..., 9. e^ =r a random element.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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