Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Page 81

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1977, Page 81
INHERITED FERTILITY DEPRESSION 79 TABLE 1. REPRODUCTIVE HISTORY OF THE EWE STEINKA 6600, BORN IN 1966. Record year Mating date (D) and mating interval (I) Date of lambing Gest- ation, days Number of lambs Sex of lamb D I D I D 1966/67 Nc t mate d ... 0 ... 1967/68 Re peat edly m atec . . . 0 . .. 1968/69 .. . . .. 1 M 1969/70 . .. 1 M 1970/71 .. . . . . 1 M 1971/72 29/12 20/5 143 1 M15 1972/73 20/12 13/5 144 1 M 1973/74 26/12 19 14/1 11/6 148 1 M 1974/75 20/12 17 6/1 17 24/1 17/6 144 1 m2) 1975/76 25/12 20/5 147 1 b3) 1976/77 21/12 16 6/1 1) Grettir 215. 2) Bolli 236. 3) Loki 245. TABLE 2. MATING RESULTS OF THE RAMS GRETTIR 215, DRAUPNIR AND DURGUR AND NORMAL RAMS FOR COMPARISON (T = EWESWITH TWINS, iV* S = EWES WITH SINGLES, R = EWES RETURNING ON HEAT, ORy= NOT LAMBING). Com- parison 'Rams Ewe group. xi xi AU classes T S R(N) Total T: S T + S : R i Grettir 21.5 Normal rams 5 20 16(2) 41 78 58 11(0)147 11.80*** 25.93*** 35.01*** ii Draupnir Nörmal rams 42 79 63(6)184 240 142 3302)415 29.49*** 65.46*** 90.77*** iii Durgur Normal rams 2 23 15(1) 40 106 86 16(7)208 19.54*** 27.25*** 42.11*** *** P < 0.001


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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