Fréttablaðið - 30.01.2021, Síða 45

Fréttablaðið - 30.01.2021, Síða 45
Spennandi sumarstörf hjá traustu fyrirtæki Alcoa Fjarðaál leitar að góðu fólki til sumarafleysinga í álverinu við Reyðarörð Við hvetjum fólk af öllum kynjum til að sækja um. Frekari upplýsingar veitir mannauðsteymi Fjarðaáls í 470 7700 eða á Hægt er að sækja um sumarstarf hjá Fjarðaáli á Áhugasamir eru hvair til að sækja um sem fyrst. Umsóknir eru trúnaðarmál og verður þeim öllum svarað. Umsóknarfrestur er til og með mánudeginum 1. mars. Um er að ræða framleiðslustörf á þrískiptum áa tíma vöktum í kerskála, skautsmiðju og steypuskála Fjarðaáls. Sumarstarfsmenn þurfa að geta unnið samfellt í að minnsta kosti tvo og hálfan mánuð. Möguleiki er á áframhaldandi starfi. Umsækjendur verða að hafa náð 18 ára aldri, hafa gild ökuréindi og hreint sakavoorð. Almennar hæfniskröfur Sterk öryggisvitund og árvekni Dugnaður og vilji til að takast á við kre†andi verkefni Heiðarleiki og stundvísi Lipurð í samskiptum og vilji til að vinna í teymi • • • • Sterk tengsl í íslensku atvinnulífi The EFTA Surveillance Authority The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) monitors compliance with the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA Agreement) in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, enabling those States to participate in the Internal Market of the European Union. ESA is an international organisation, independent of the States, which safeguards the rights of individuals and undertakings under the EEA Agreement, ensuring free movement, fair competition and control of state aid. ESA’s work helps remove barriers to trade and open up new opportunities to over 500 million Europeans, creating jobs and growth and adding to the international competitiveness of the States. ESA is based in Brussels. It currently employs staff members of 19 nationalities. ESA is led by a College consisting of three Members, each appointed for a period of four years by the three participating EFTA States. ESA is recruiting an Economist to work in the Competition and State Aid Directorate (CSA). CSA is a multi-disciplinary team comprising both economists and lawyers and enforces the competition and state aid rules of the EEA Agreement. These rules largely mirror the competition rules in the EU, both with regard to antitrust and state aid control. In the field of antitrust/competition, the bigger share of CSA’s work has been focused to date on cases of abuse of dominance, although potential anti-com- petitive agreements may also be assessed. In state aid, CSA’s portfolio is broad and diverse. The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring a high stan- dard of economic reasoning and analysis in the competition cases dealt with by ESA. There will also be opportunities to work on state aid cases. ESA is looking for a person with a solid academic record and practical experience in the application of industrial organisation / competition economics in the fulfilment of advisory or analytical functions in compe- tition cases and policy. Additional knowledge of the application of eco- nomics in state aid cases is desirable, and knowledge of the application of economics in a regulatory environment would be an advantage. Tasks will include: • Applying industrial organisation / competition economics to ESA’s competition casework. This will involve participating in multi-disci- plinary case teams and performing qualitative and quantitative economic analysis on competition issues, as well as regular case- handling duties, within the framework laid down by the EEA compe- tition rules and related case law. • Communicating technical economic concepts in a clear and accessi- ble manner, both verbally and in writing (e.g. by drafting advisory memos/reports, parts of competition decisions, presentations etc.), including to non-economists. • Providing general guidance on methodological issues of economics and quantitative techniques in the application of the EEA competi- tion rules. • Monitoring and participating in international working groups and other fora with other competition and regulatory authorities, includ- ing the European Commission. Economist Job Reference: 02/2021 - Deadline for applications: 09h00 CET Sunday 14 February 2021 - Start date: 1 September 2021 For full details of this position and to apply, please visit:
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