Studia Islandica - 01.07.1966, Blaðsíða 75

Studia Islandica - 01.07.1966, Blaðsíða 75
73 revelation of Bjgrn the Steward’s guilt is put immediately after the testing of Dagr’s boast (ÓH 671/10, v.l.) just as in Snorri’s chapter 156 (ÓH 461 /12—16, 461/23^162/3). These two interpolations therefore anticipate the passage at the end of the þáttr (ÓH 681/3-14) which is clearly the proper place for these speeches to be. Instead of repeating them, this red- action replaces them at the end of the story with a short sentence stating simply that the king stayed at Rauðúlfr’s for three nights and was very impressed with his wisdom (ÓH 681/3-14, v.l.). A third redaction of Rauðúlfs þáttr (b2) is found in 325 and 75 c: these two manuscripts also share many variants against the other seven, see ÓH 660/13-14, 15, 661/2-3, 5-7, 662/3-4, 663/4, 8, 664/10, 12-13, 14, 665/2-3, 666/4, 672/14, 673/1, 3, 674/3, 7, 675/11-12, variant readings. The text of the þáttr in 325 has been subject to similar changes to that of redaction bj. It opens with a passage similar to the first interpolation of redaction b1? although it is in a different place, which contains further expansion of the details about Rauðúlfr, his family, and his homestead, without, however, adding much information of consequence (ÓH 655/1-3, variant reading). Like redaction bj, 325 omits the sentence at ÓH 657/4-5, which would have partly repeated the content of the first interpolation. The second and third interpolations of redaction bx (Rauðúlfr’s family history and the revelation of Bjprn the Steward’s guilt, taken from Snorri’s version) are also found in the same places and with similar wording in 325. A sentence similar to the fourth interpolation of redaction bi is also found in 325 in place of the þáittrs original account of these speeches, but it is much shorter (ÓH 681/3—14, variant reading). 75 c is a defective manuscript and only two passages of the text of Rauðúlfs þáttr survive in it. It is therefore not possible to see whether it also had the first, second, and fourth interpolations found in 325, but since in the parts that survive these two manuscripts share so many variants
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