Studia Islandica - 01.07.1966, Blaðsíða 22

Studia Islandica - 01.07.1966, Blaðsíða 22
20 is developed much more fully and in much greater detail than the symbohsm in the biblical dream. Every aspect of the dream figure is analysed and some symbol extracted from it. This sort of symbolism is in many ways similar to that found in Icelandic religious writings of the twelfth century, and it is probable that the author of the þáttr was familiar with such writings and was influenced by them. The tone of the þáttr as a whole is clerkly: the author sees Óláfr more as a saint and martyr, as did the authors of the older sagas of the king, rather than as a viking king, as Snorri Sturluson tended to do. Maríu saga was probably written in the early thirteenth century, although it has its roots in the religious writings of the twelfth century. The author of this saga (reputed to be Kygri-Bjprn, who died about 1237) was fond of elaborate symbolism. In one passage he develops the idea of the sun’s influence on the world of nature being similar to the in- fluence of heavenly love in the kingdom of heaven: The sun warms and heats the whole world, and its heat symbolises the eternal warmth of love which good men have towards God and for each other in the other world. The sun also lights up the whole world, and its light symbolises that everyone can see other people’s pleasure as clearly as his own in the eternal joy. The sun cheers and gladdens all those that inhabit the earth, for from it the heavenly bodies and the world, the sky and the earth, derive their light. As a result of its heat trees and grass sprout and grow with the moisture with which God is pleased to temper the heat of the sun so that it does not get too hot, for nature cannot be fruitful unless there is a combination of warmth and moisture. And thus the power of the sun gladdens and brings joy to the whole world. And this joy of the world symbolises the joy with which the spirit rejoices in the other world
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