Studia Islandica - 01.07.1966, Blaðsíða 67

Studia Islandica - 01.07.1966, Blaðsíða 67
65 a loud, clear voice. The king was furious, but his subjects, tiring of the continual hostility with their neighbours, are said to have forced him to accept a settlement. Although the author of RauSúlfs þáttr must have known this story in some form, he cannot have known it from Snorri’s saga, which was written after the þáttr. There is no reason to think that the reference to Bjpm’s mission was added after the þáttr was written. The episode does not survive among the fragments of the Oldest saga, but in the Legendary saga, which can be presumed to reproduce the Oldest saga and Middle saga fairly closely at this point, the story of these negotiations is very different. In this version Bjgrn did indeed under- take the mission to Sweden, but it was the Icelander Hjalti Skeggjason who took the main part in the negotiations and brought about the settlement, and the striking scene at the Uppsala-þing is entirely lacking.1 Obviously it cannot have been this version of the episode that was known to the author of RauSúlfs þáttr. The only other possibility is that the version of Óláfs saga he knew was Styrmir’s, which must have had the episode in a form closer to that in which it appears in Snorri’s saga than to the version in the Legendary saga (this part of Styrmir’s saga unfortunately does not survive). It has been assumed that the alteration of this episode in Óláfs saga was Snorri’s work: that he must have thought it unlikely that such an important mission would have been entrusted to (and carried out by) Hjalti, a foreigner, and so increased the role of Bjprn and reduced that of Hjalti.2 But the reference in RauSúlfs þáttr shows that the scene at the Uppsala-þing is older than Snorri’s saga, and must have been in Styrmir’s saga: the alteration of the episode must be at least in part Styrmir’s work. 1 Óláfs Saga hins helga, ed. O. A. Johnsen (Kristiania 1922), pp. 36—39. 2 Bjarni Aðalbjarnarson, IF XXVII xxxvii. 5
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