
Fréttablaðið - 22.10.2022, Qupperneq 35

Fréttablaðið - 22.10.2022, Qupperneq 35
We are looking to hire VP of People! What you can expect to work on from day to day We´d like to find someone with • Proven experience in a similar role, at least 3-5 years • Iceland-oriented knowledge of the people functions such as pay & benefits, recruitment, training & development etc • Excellent computer skills and knowledge of HRM Systems • A solid understanding of Icelandic labour laws • Outstanding organizational and time-management abilities • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Problem-solving and decision-making aptitude • Strong ethics and reliability • A degree in HRM, business administration, psychology, social studies, or another relevant field is a plus • Leading continuous improvements of the people function • Organizing and driving the recruitment, hiring, and onboarding process • Developing, implementing, and maintaining people policies and processes across the organization • Managing and following up on employee interviews and our performance management process • Developing and implementing educational and career development plans • Carrying out workplace analysis, reporting on people and following up on improvement projects • Developing the work environment in collaboration with Dohop’s senior leadership team The closing date for applications is October 31st. Applications should be completed at Please attach a CV and an introduction letter with the application. All applications are strictly confidential and will be answered. Detailed information can be found at Further information can be provided by Torfi Markússon ( and Henrietta Þóra Magnúsdóttir ( Dohop is looking to hire a VP of People to join our growing company. Some call this human resources but we call it people because that is what it is about - people. Intellecta ehf. Síðumúla 5 108 Reykjavík 511 1225 Intellecta er sjálfstætt þekkingarfyrirtæki stofnað árið 2000. Við vinnum með stjórnendum við að auka árangur, bæta rekstur og efla stjórnun. Ráðgjafar Intellecta hafa sterkan faglegan bakgrunn og víðtæka alþjóðlega reynslu. Þennan grunn notum við í samvinnu við viðskiptavini til að móta hugmyndir sem skipta máli og í innleiðingu lausna sem skila árangri. RÁÐNINGAR Starfsmenn eru lykill að árangri allra fyrirtækja. Mest lesna atvinnublað Íslands* Atvinnublaðið Sölufulltrúar: Hrannar Helgason, 550 5625, Arna Rut Kristinsdóttir, 550 5621 *Neyslukönnun Gallups 2018, allt land, 18-80 ára
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