Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti - 01.12.1946, Síða 3

Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti - 01.12.1946, Síða 3
A New Tradition In the long history of marine navigation, those who go down to the sea in ships have looked to the compass, the sextant and the chronometer as their traditional guides across the seven seas. The modern mariner now has another powerful ally in the form of Radar. This development of the wartime application of directive ultra - short - wave radio pulses presents on a cathode ray tube screen a continuous “picture” of all surrounding objects within a selected range, regardless of weather conditions. Thus fog loses its terrors and any vessel — be it the giant “Queen Elizabeth” or a tiny coaster — may proceed with confidence under the revealing guidance of C 0 S S 0 K M A R1 N E R A D A R COSSOR RADAR L T D . , HIGHBURY, LONDON, N.5 Tel: CANonbury 1234 (33 lines) First in the ivorld to produce radar receivers 3


Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti

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