Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti - 01.12.1946, Page 35

Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti - 01.12.1946, Page 35
! HUSAVIK W SAUDARKROK 1 V blonduos */ ílVAMMSTANCI AKUREYRI BORGARFJORO 1 SEYDISFJORD+/ NORDFJOPD ESKIFJORDJ FASKRUDSFJORDj +tSTYKKISHOLM DJUPIVOC ♦ REYKJAVIK SIGLUFJORD kopasker EIMSKIPAFJELAG ISLANDS H.F. R E Y KJAVI K I C E LAN D UNITED KINGDOM Cargo received continuously at the loading berths in Hull and Leith where there are ample shed facilities. Cargo accepted for Reykjavik and any port in lceland on through Bs/Lading at same rates of freight payable at destination if desired. For Rates of Freight, Passage Fares, Insurance and other mformation apply : HULL : McGregor, Gow & Holland, Ltd., Ocean House, Alfred Gelder Street. Tel. : Central 15121 (7 lines). SOUTHAMPTON : McGregor. Gow & Holland, Ltd., 1, Oxford Street. Tel. : Southampton 2900. BIRMINGHAM : Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., 3, Victoria Square. Tel. : Birmingham Mid 0276. MANCHESTER: Royal Mail Lines Ltd., 70, Cross Street. Telephone: Manchester. Blackfriars 2141 LIVERPOOL : McGregor, Gow & Robin- son, Ltd., Wellington Buildings, The Strand. Tel. : Liverpool Cen. 4521. LEITH : R. Cairns & Co., 8, Com mercial Street. Tel. : 3S665 & 37081 GRIMSBY : McGregor, Gow & Holland Ltd., Union Dock. Tel. : Grimsby 3601 BRADFORD : McGregor, Gow & Holland, Ltd., 2, Drake Street, Tel. Bradford 6344. MIDDLESBROUGH : McGregor, Gow & Holland, Ltd., Bridge Street East. Tel. : Middlesbrough 43486. ABERDEEN : John Cook & Son, Ltd., 62, Marischal Street. Tel. : Aberdeen Central 7147-8. GOTHENBURG : Otto Zell, Fack- husplatsen 3. LONDON : McGregor, Gow & Holland, Ltd., 20, Billiter Street, E.C.3. Tel. : ROYal 5600 (9 lines). COPENHAGEN : Eimskipafjelag Islands H.F., Ekspedition, Strandg 2S. ANTWERP : Grisar & Masily, Rue de l'Empereur. ROTTERDAM : Seeuwen & Co., Juffer- straat 24. AMSTERDAM : Seeuwen & Co., Prins Hendrikkade 131. HALIFAX : F. K.Warren, Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia. NEW YORK : Thule Ship Agency Inc., 11, Brcadway. AKRANES V WESTMANNO REGULAR COASTAL SERVICES BETWEENICELANOIC PORTS +


Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti

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