
Vikan - 17.12.1942, Page 42

Vikan - 17.12.1942, Page 42
42 ' JÓLABLAÐ VIKUNNAR 1942 iniiHHiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii maupið þœr perur, sem endast lengst og lýsa bezt. Biðjið pví ávallt um ROYAL EOISWAN pernr. Einkaumboð fyrir: EDISON SWAN ELECTRIC CO. LTD., London y 0>. Reykjavík. - Sími 5778. iiiiimiiiiimimiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiimimiimmiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimmiiiiiimii S iglin gar milli Bretlands og íslands halda áfram, eins og að undanfömu. — Höfum 3—-4 skip í förum. — Tilkynningar um vörusendingar sendist Cullifords Associated Lines, Ltd. BRADLEYS CHAMBERS, LONDON STREET, FLEETWOOD.



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