Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2002, Side 48

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2002, Side 48
46 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION IN NORDIC ATLANTIC REGIONS f'ul aim of the BEAR initiative, one must ask why there has not been stronger en- couragement of science and technology co- operation with in the West Nordic Cooper- ation. Evidently, there is not a particularly high level of scientific and technological activity in the West Nordic Countries, at least looked at per capita (Jónsson, 1994a). The (national) systems of innovation are weak, and the many examples of innova- tions in the Icelandic fisheries-related in- dustries are typically more directly related to small-scale and direct producer/user-ori- ented development. This kind of more local and sector-specific innovation is perhaps not registered in the offícial statistics, but even so, a higher degree of dependence on foreign (i.e. Danish and Norwegian) insti- tutes of research and education in fisheries, could pose a problem in the long run. West Nordic participation in the BEAR initiative’s marine science and technology cooperation could mean new perspectives for both West Nordic, Norwegian and Russian fisheries, as the networks already exist and the amount of competition from Icelandic partners would be neither too lit- tle nor too much. For the Faroe Islands and Greenland especially, such an agenda would represent new possibilities - includ- ing opportunities for new Faroese and Greenlandic entrepreneurs to act on a broader agenda, outside the traditional so- cial control of small societies. NORA couid also contribute to the building of new net- works and institutions between Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands and Norway. The formalised and general Nordic Co- operation on fisheries has developed since the first Nordic Fisheries Conference in 1949, followed by several cooperative ef- forts within the framework of first the Nordic Council, and later the Nordic Coun- cil of Ministers (Bergman, 1994). So far, it has been a cooperation of governments, representatives from the fishing industry and research bodies. These activities have without doubt developed the existing net- works within the Nordic fisheries sector, and not least among these, research insti- tutes related to fisheries. This is certainly the case with the projects supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers (Fisheries Ministers) and the Nordic Committee of Officials for Fisheries; these projects and conferences have been documented in sev- eral NORD and TemaNORD publications in recent years. The 1993-96 programme for Nordic Fisheries Cooperation, decided upon by the Fisheries Ministries in 1992, clearly states an ambition to participate in the building of stronger Nordic institutions and networks in order to enable the Nordic fishing sectors able to meet the challenges presented by EU integration (Nordic Council of Minis- ters, 1992: 65, 72). These cooperation ef- forts are undoubtedly most successful in coordinating the national public research sectors, and less successful in coordinating a more regionalised effort, i.e. in the Baltic Sea or the North Atlantic, or in informal and as yet un-institutionalised innovative milieux. Nordic fisheries cooperation has more internal cooperation as a main objec- tive, and this has had a substantial positive effect on the development of know-how in the North Atlantic fisheries. On the olher
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