Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2002, Side 71

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2002, Side 71
ÓPERSÓNLIG SAGNORÐ í FØROYSKUM 69 quires a dative subject as in (14). Note that nominative is also possible: (14) a. teinium vantar dirvi at taka sær um reiggj them-dat. lacks-3sg. courage-acc. to pull ihemselves together ’They lack the courage lo pull Themselves together’ b. ineðan tað figgjarliga tilfeingið vantar while the economical resources — nom. lacks-3sg. ‘While the economical resources lack’ There is a verb in Icelandic/urða meaning ‘to be surprised at’. It requires an experi- encer subject and is a psych-verb, (Jónsson, 1997/98). This verb is not found in Faroese, only the noun furða ‘miracle’. There is however a coinmon expression, which means the same as the Icelandic verb furða ‘be surprised’. This is the expression in (15): (15) teinium var dátt við dagin them-dat. was-3sg. surprised with day-the-acc. ‘They were surprised’ We also find the expression standast við e- t ‘to detest, to feel nauseated’ in Faroese, corresponding in meaning to the Icelandic verb velgja ‘to feel nauseated’. It takes an experiencer subject in Icelandic, as it does in Faroese, and is a body verb. I have l'ound the following examples with this verb: (16) a. honum stendst við ein/nakað him-dat. detests with one-acc./some- thing-acc. ‘He feels nauseated by someone/ something’ (DD) b. Síðan segði Rebekka við ísak: »Mær stendst við lívið vegna Then said Rebekka to Isac: “Me-dat. detests with life-the-acc. because of døtur Hets daughters Hets (1 Gen 27,46) c. Fiskarnir í Nílánni skulu doyggja, og Níláin skal dampa so illa, Fish-theinNilerivershalldie and Nile river-the shall smell so bad at Egyptum stendst við at drekka vat- nið úr Nflánni!« that Egyptians-dat. detests with to drink water-the from Nile river (3 Gen. 26,15) Another expression with an experiencer subject and a psych-verb is vera annað inn- ari ‘to have other things to think about’ as in: (17) mær er annað innari me-dat. is other [things] inner ‘I have other things to think about’ (FD) A common idiom in Faroese is also mongum brestur ætlan ‘many-dat. burst- 3sg. plan-nom.’ = ‘things do not always go as planned’. The verb bresta ‘burst’ is a psych-verb, requiring an experiencer sub-
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