Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2002, Qupperneq 132

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2002, Qupperneq 132
130 THE MYCORRRHIZAL STATUS IN MOUNTAINOUS VEGETATION IN THE FAROE ISLANDS lar mycorrhizal plant species and ecto- or ericoid plant species could be due to dual infection, but that can not be concluded from this study. The fact that the type which requires least photosynthetic products from the plant, and is Ieast efficient in degrading or- ganic compunds is the most widespread could indicate that there are other factors than phosphorus and nitrogen which are limiting. These could be, for example, tem- perature and/or light. Acknowledgments We thank Professor A.H. Fitter for his helpful criticism of an earlier draft of the manuscript, and P.H. Enkell for his helpful review of the manuscript. Financial assis- tance from Granskingarráð Føroya, Danish Research Councils and the Faroese Museum of Natural History made this study possible. References Banderis, A., Barter, D.H. and Henderson, K. 1976. The use of polyacrylamide to replace carbon in the de- termination of »Olsen’s« extractable phosphate in soil. Journal of Soil Science 27: 71 -74. Finlay, R.D., Frostegárd, Á. and Sonnerfeldt, A.-M. 1992. Utilization of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources by ecto-mycorrhizal fungi in pure culture and in symbiosis with Pinus contorta Dougl. ex. Loud. New Phytologist 120 (1): 105-115. Fitter, A.H. 1985. Functioning of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas under field conditions. New Phytolo- gist 99: 257-265. Fitter, A.H. and Hay, R.K.M. 2002. Environmental Physiology of Plants. Third. Edition. Academic Press. Fitter, A.H. and Peat, H.J. 1994. The Ecological Flora Database. Joumal ofEcology 82: 415-425. Fosaa, A.M. 2002. Altitudinal distribution of plant communities in the Faroe Islands, Journal of Vege- tation Science. Submitted Harley, J.L. and Harley, E.L. 1987. A check-list of My- corrhiza in the British llora. New Phytologist, sup- plement 105 (2); 1-102. Harley, J.L. and Harley, E.L. 1990. A check-list of My- corrhiza in the British flora - second addenda and errata. New Phytologist 115 (4): 699-711. Hodge, A., Campbell, C.D., Fitter, A.H. 2001. An ar- buscular mycorrhizal fungus accelerates decompo- sition and acquires nitrogen directly from organic material. Nature 413: 297-299 Moyersoen, B., Fitter, A.H. and Alexander, I.J. 1998. Spatial distribution of ectomycorrhizas and arbuscu- lar mycorrhizas in Korup National Park rain forest, Cameroon, in relation to edaphic parameters. New Phytologist 139: 311-320: Newsham, K.K., Fitter, A.H. and Watkinson, A.R. 1995. Multi-functionality and biodiversity in arbus- cular mycorrhizas. TREE 10: 407-411. Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V, Watanabe, F.S. and Dean, L.A. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with bicarbonate. U.S. Dept. Agric. Cir- cular 939: 1-29. Read, D.J. and Haselwandter, K. 1981. Observations on the mycorrhizal status of some alpine plant commu- nities. New Phytologist 88: 341-352. Robinson, R.K. 1972. The production by roots of Callu- na vulgaris of a factor inhibitory to growth of some mycorrhizal fungi. Journal ofEcology 60: 219-224. Smith, S.E. and Read, D.J. 1997. Mycorrhizal Symbio- sis. Second Edition. Academic Press. London. Sørensen, N. K. and Biilow-Olsen, A. 1994). Fælles ar- bejdsmetoder for jordbundsanalyser. Plantedirek- toratet, Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri.
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