Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2002, Síða 160

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2002, Síða 160
158 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ABOUT THE FAROE ISLANDS, 2001 Klitgaard, A.B. and Tendal, O.S. 2001. “Ostur” - “chesse bottoms” - sponge dominated areas in the Faroese shelf and slope areas. pp: 13-21. In: Bruntse, G., and Tendal, O.S. (eds). Marine biolog- ical investigations and assemblages of benthic in- vertebrates from the Faroe Islands. Report from Kaldbak Marine Biological Laboratory. Lein, T.L., Stige, C. and Bruntse, G. 2001. Dominant Species Abundance Related to Environmental Fac- tors on Rocky Shores in the Faroe Islands. Fróð- skaparrit 48: 105-124. Nielsen, R. and Gunnarsson, K. 2001. Seaweeds of the Faroe Islands. An Annotated Checklist. Fróðskap- arrit 49:45-108. Sørensen, J., Bruntse, G., Gunnarson, K. and Nielsen, R. 2001. List of BioFar 2 Stations. Fróðskaparrit 48: 61-85. Tendal, O.S. and Bruntse, G. 2001. A brief history of the investigations on the benthic fauna of the sea around the Faroe Islands, with emphasis on the expeditions and research vessels. pp: 44-53. In: Bruntse, G., and Tendal, O.S. (eds). Marine biological investigations and assemblages of benthic invertebrates from the Faroe Islands. Reportfrom Kaldbak Marine Biolog- ical Laboratory. Thomsen, E. 2001. Brachiopoda in the Faroe Islands Area. Fróðskaparrit 49: 109-126. Wegeberg, S., Nielsen, R. and Gunnarsson, K. 2001. Coralline Red Algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyla) of the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 49: 37-43. l’apers of commnn interest Tendal, O.S. 2001. Da korallerne kom til Færøerne og Island. Dansk Naturhislorisk Forening. Ársskrift 1 1: 40-47. Djóralæknatænastan - Faroese Veterinary Ser- vice, Varðagøta 85, FO-100 Tórshavn. Phone: +298 31 52 73; Fax: +298 31 78 19; email:; Web page: Scientifíc papers Bloch, D., Dam, M., Mikkelsen, B. and Olsen, J. 2001. Progress Report on marine mammal research in 2000 - Faroe Islands. North Atlantic Marine Mam- mal Commission, Annual Report 2000 SC/9/NPR-F: 1-4. Bloch, D., Dam, M. and Olsen, J. 2001. Faroe Islands - Progress Report on marine mammal research in 1999. North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission, Annual Report 1999: 297-301. Hanusson, B. 2001. Parasites in the Sheep on the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 48: 195-201. Fiskirannsóknarstovan - Faroese Fishery Lab- oratory, Nóatún, FO-I00 Tórshavn. Phone: +298 31 50 92; Fax: +298 31 82 64; email:; Web page: Scientific papers Bloch, D., Mikkelsen, B. and Ofstad, L.H. 2001. Marine Mammals in Faroese Waters with special attention to the south-south-eastern Sector of the region. GEM Report to Environmental Impact Assessment Programme: 1-40. Desportes, G., Mikkelsen, B., Bloch, D., Danielsen, J., Hansen, J. and Mouritsen, R. 2001. Survey report from the Faroese shipboard survey of NASS-2001. NAMMCO/SC/9/17: 1-14. Gaard, E. 2001. The Plankton Community Structure on the Faroe Shelf. Relationship to environmental con- ditions, trophic interaction, and comparison with the offshore environment. Dr. philos thesis. The Norwe- gian College of Fisheries Science. University of Tromsø. 65 pp + 9 accompanying papers. Gaard, E., Hansen, B., Olsen, B. and Reinert, J. 2002. Ecological features and recent trends in physical en- vironment, plankton, fish stocks and sea birds in the Faroe plateau ecosystem. pp: 245-265. In: Sherman, K. and Skjoldal, H.-R. (eds). Large Marine Ecosys- tems of the North Atlantic. Changing states and sus- tainability. Pp 449, Elsevier. Gaard, E. and Reinert, A. 2001. Kanning av Leynará í sambandi við boring av Vágatunnlinum. Frágreið- ing til P/F Vágatunnilin. 10 pp. Gaard, E. and Steingrund, P. 2001. Reproduction of Faroe Plateau Cod. Spawning Grounds, Egg Advec- tion and Larval Feeding. Fróðskaparrit 48: 87-103. Hansen, B.. Turrell, W.R. and Østerhus, S. 2001. De- creasing overflow from the Nordic seas into the At- lantic Ocean through the Faroe Bank channel since 1950. Nature 411: 92T-930. Hátún, H. 2001. On the accuracy of computing slope current transports from current meter arrays. Tech- nical Report 01-01. ICES 2000. Report of the planning group on surveys on
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