Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Page 66

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Page 66
64 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER (GAVIA IMMER) IN CIRCUMPOLAR FOLK ORNITHOLOGY Celtic traditions and it has been seen as a weather prophet, but also its meat and skin, and the live bird have been utilized too. Acknowledgement We are grateful to Dr Roger Gyllin, Dr Greg Simons (Uppsala), Mrs Osva Olsen (Uppsala), Dr Guðrún Kvaran (Reykjavík) and cartographer Guðmundur Ó. Ingvars- son (Reykjavík) for their help and advice. References Manuscript sources Pjóðháttadeild Pjóðminjasafnsins, Reykjavík Folklore records (PP) Bibliography Andersen, K. 1898. Meddelser om Færøernes Fugle. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn 10: 315-332. Anonymous. 1961. Lesbók Morgunblaðsins. Reykja- vík. Anonymous. 2005. Waterbird Population Estimates: Divers/Loons. 3rđ Edition; pubs&/pub_online/WPE/22-32.pdf. Armstrong, E.A. 1958. The Folklore of Birds: An Enquiry into the Origin and Distribution of some Magico-Religious Traditions. London. Bergen, F.D. 1899. Animal and Plant Lore, Collected from the Oral Tradition of English Speaking Folk. Boston. Berkes, F. 1998. Sacred Ecology: Traditional Eco- logical Knowledge and Resource Management. Philadelphia. Bernstrom, J. 1965. Lommar. In: Kulturhistoriskt lexi- kon for nordisk medeltid 10: 688-691. Bjornsson, A. 1993. Saga daganna. Reykjavík. Bowden, J. 1869. Naturalist in Norway; or, Notes on the Wild Animals, Birds, Fishes, and Plants of that Country. London. Bulmer, R.N. and Healey, C. 1993. Field Methods in Ethnozoology. In: Williams, N. M. and Baines, G. (eds). Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Wisdom for Sustainable Developmenf. 43-55. Carlsson, K. 2000. Lokala fágelnamn frán Utlángan. www. hem .passagen. se/utlangan/swedish. html. Clusius, C. 1605. Exoticorum libri decem: Quibus Animalium, Plantarum, Aromatum, aliorumque peregrinorum Fructuum historiae describuntur. Leiden. Cramp, S. (ed.). 1978. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa 1. Oxford, London, New York. Dánjalsson, M. 1951. Fuglabókin. Tórshavn. Davíðsson, Ó. 1894. íslenzkir vikivakar og vikivaka- kvæði. Kaupmannahófn. Davíðsson, Ó. 1898-1903. íslenzkar jtulur og fjóð- kvæði. Kaupmannahofn. Debes, L. 1673. Faeroæ et Færoa reserata: det er Færøernis oc Færøeske Indbyggeris Beskrifvelse. Kiøbenhafn. Diamond, J. and Bishop, K.D. 1999. Ethno-Ornitho- logy of the Ketengban People, Indonesian New Guinea. In: Medin, D.L. and Atran, S. (eds). Folkbiology: 17-45. Dregni, M. 1996. Loons: Song of the Wild. Stillwater, MN. Eriksson, M.O.G. 2000. Loons/Divers: Names, Myths, Scandinavian Perspective. Newsletter of the Diver/Loon Specialist Group of Wetland Inter- national 3:5. Faber, F. 1822. Prodromus der islándischen Omitho- logie oder Geschichte der Vógel Islands. Kopen- hagen. Fabricius, O. 1929. Fauna Groenlandica. Pattedyr og Fugle. Kjøbenhavn. Falk, H.S. and Torp, A. 1960. Norwegisch-Dánisches etymologisches Wórterbuch 1. Oslo. Fellman, J. 1906. Bidrag till Lappmarkens Fauna. In: Anteckningar under min vistelse i Lappmarken. Helsingfors. FO 1998 = Føroysk orðabók 1-2. Tórshavn. Frederiksen, T. 1980. Grænlensk dagbókarblóð. Reyk- javík. Freuchen, P. and Salomonsen, F. 1958. The Arctic Year. New York. Fridell, S. and Svanberg, I. 2005. Dággdjur i svensk folklig tradition. Stockholm. Friðjónsson, G. 1938. Sjótta skilningarvit dýranna. In: Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, July 3. Reykjavík. Friesen, J.W. 1999. The Function of Legends as a Teaching Tool in Pre-Colonial First Nations’ Societies. Interchange 30: 305-322. Gingras, B.A. and Paszkowski, C.A. 1999. Breeding Patterns of Common Loons on Lakes with Three
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