Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 69

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 69
Coprophilous fungi from the Faroe Islands Michael J. Ricliardson 165 Braid Road, Edinburgh EHIO 6JE U.K. Telephone 0131 447 8165, Email: Úrtak 59 sløg av taðfrekum soppum eru skrásett úr 20 taðsýnum, ið eru tikin í Føroyum, og sum eru ald í ráligum kømrum. Nógv nýggj sløg eru funnin fyri fyrstu ferð í Føroyum. Fleiri sløg eru funnin í sýnum, sum eru tikin av seyða- og harusparlum, og eru tey tikin á 7 ymsum støðum. Greiningar av hesum sløgum hava gjørt tað møguligt at gera ein partleysan samanburð av soppamegninum í tveimum ymsum sløgum av tøðum og til at vísa, at liesi megn eru týðiliga ymisk, hóast tey stava frá sama búøki. Abstract Fifty-nine species of coprophilous fungi are recorded from 20 dung samples collected from the Faroe Islands and incubated in moist chambers. Many new records for the Faroe Islands are reported. Analysis of the species occurring on pairs of sheep and hare samples collected from seven different localities have allowed an objective comparison of the mycobiota on two different dung types to be made, and the demonstration that they are clearly different, although derived from the same habitat. Introduction During a visit to the Faroe Islands in June 2004, 20 samples of herbivore dung were collected and, on return to the UK, incu- bated in damp chambers. The coprophil- ous fungi which developed were recorded. Details of the fungi developing on the samples are provided and discussed. Some coprophils are more or less ubiquitous, while others are more likely to be found on some dung types than on others (e.g. van Brummelen, 1967; Lundqvist, 1972; Richardson, 2001), but such conclusions have been drawn from general observa- tions, rather than from a study of different substrates collected from the same locality and habitat. In eight of the localities sam- pled both hare and sheep were present, so the animals were grazing the same vegeta- tion. Comparison of the species occurring on the paired samples from sheep and hare allowed the mycobiota of the two different dung types to be compared directly. Material and methods Samples were collected between 18 and 23 June 2004 (Table 1). Most were wet when collected, and were gently air-dried and placed in paper envelopes. Samples were rehydrated and incubated on 24 June 2004 on moist paper towelling, in plastic boxes with lightly fitting transparent lids, under ambient light and at room temperature (ca 15-18°C). Care was taken to ensure that cultures were not too wet. Samples were generally of similar size, with incubation chambers 10 x 7 cm, which accommodate approx. 2-4 g D.W. (= 15 sheep or hare Fróðskaparrit 53. bók 2005: 67-81
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