Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Síða 73

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Síða 73
COPROPHILOUS FUNGI FROM THE FAROE ISLANDS 71 phils, it is concluded that the differences observed, both in community structure and species richness, are due either to đif- ferences in the digestive systems of the animals or the physical and/or chemical nature of the droppings of the two spe- cies. Records Information on the dung samples and their origin is given in Table 1. Following the convention of Vesterholt (1998), the islands on which fungi occurred are indicated by the following abbreviations :- Borðoy, Bo; Eysturoy, Ey; Kunoy, Ku; Streymoy, St; Vágar, Va; Viðoy, Vi. Notes on species, and the sample numbers on which they were recorded, are given below. Species not recorded for the Faroe Islands in the checklist of Vesterholt (1998), which in- cludes all records from Møller (1945; 1958), are in bold type. Dried material and/or slides of samples annotated with (H) has been placed in the Herbarium of the Botanical Museum, Copenhagen (C). ZYGOMYCOTINA Phycomyces blakesleeanus Burgeff Ey, Ku. 38, 44/04. Pilaira moreaui Y. Ling St, Vi. 33, 34, 42/04. Pilobolus crystallinus (F.H. Wigg.) Tode Bo, Ey, Ku, St, Va, Vi. This is perhaps positive confirmation of the presence of P. crystallinus in the Faroe Islands, since the record in the check list (Vesterholt, 1998) is presumably based on that in Møller (1958), in which he states that ‘The au- thor has not seen any material...but Mr. N. Petersen....describes it so well in his letter that there can be little doubt that this species belongs to the Faroese flora.’ There is no indication of any inicroscopic examination which would have been nec- essary to identify the species. 33, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47-49/04. Pilobolus kleinii Tiegh. Bo, Ey, Ku, St, Va. 33, 37, 45, 47, 50/04. ASCOMY COTINA Pezizales Ascobolus albidus H. Crouan & P. Cr- ouan (Fig. 1) Bo, Ey, Ku, St, Va, Vi. One of the com- monest fungi on the Faroese samples, oc- curring on 80 % of the collections. An interesting phenomenon was observed on material from collection 43(H)/04, on which both A. albidus and A. stictoideus occurred. One apothecium was typical of A. albidus, but the asci contained four typical A. albidus spores and fbur spores of the same size but with ornamentation chracteristic of A. stictoideus, raising the possibility that hybridization may have oc- curred. 31, 32, 36-39, 41(H)-50/04. Ascobolus furfuraceus Pers. Ey. 39(H)/04. Ascobolus stictoideus Speg. (Figs 2-4) Bo, Ey, St, Vi. Sorne material on collection 47/04 was of a variant with no exospore pigment or ornamentation. The spores
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