Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 80

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 80
78 COPROPHILOUS FUNGI FROM THE FAROE ISLANDS of which, based on habitat and locality, were probably from mountain rather than brown hare. It is interesting to find it in the Faroe Islands, extending its known geographical range, but still on its type substrate. 32(H), 42/04. Coniochaeta scatigena (Berk. & Br.) Cain Bo, Ku. 45, 47/04. Podospora decipiens (G. Winter ex Fuck- el) Niessl Bo, Ey, Va, Vi. 36, 37, 41, 43, 46, 47, 50/04. Podospora intestinacea N. Lundq (Figs 11-12) Ey. 35(H)/04. Schizothecium conicum (Fuckel) N. Lun- dq. Ey, Bo, Ku, St, Va, Vi. 31, 33, 35, 37-39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50/04. Schizothecium glutinans (Cain) N. Lun- dq. Vi. 42(H)/04. Schizothecium vesticola (Berk. & Broome) N. Lundq. Bo, Ey, Ku, St, Va, Vi. 31, 32, 35-39, 41-47, 49, 50/04. Sordaria fimicola (Roberge) Ces. & De Not. Ku. 44/04. Sordaria humana (Fuckel) G. Winter Va. 48/04. Xylariales Hypocopra cf. equorum (Fuckel) G. Win- ter Vi. Material with single perithecia erum- pent through a splitting stroma. Incom- pletely mature spores, but some coloured spores of variable size, 17.5-19.5 x 8- 10.5 pm. No sign of a second basal cell. 43/04. Hypocopra parvula Griff. Ku, St, Va. This material agrees with oth- er material described from Iceland and the U.K. It has been suggested that it is not H. parvula (J. Krug, pers. comm.), but a new species still to be described. For fur- ther details and discussion see Richardson (2004). 31 (H), 44(H), 49/04. Hypocopra cf. planispora J.C. Krug and Cain Bo, Ey, St. Va, Vi. Gregarious, but stro- mata apparently with single perithecia. Stromatic surface brown/black velvety with erect hyphae. Asci 190-225 x 20 pm, pore variable in KI, bright blue to brown. Spores narrowly ellipsoid, more than twice as long as wide (Q = 2-2.25), very slightly asymmetrical in some views, (24)25.5-32 x 11.2-14 pm, a slight vestige of second cell in very immature spores. Gel expanding in water to 8 pm. Germ slit 16-20 pm, 32(H), 36(H), 38(H), 40(H), 41 (H), 42, 46(H), 48(H)/04. Podosordaria tulasnei (Nitschke) Dennis Ey, St, Va, Vi. Identification of this spe- cies is based on the development of the characteristic long, branching stromata
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