Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 94

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 94
92 THE relative importance of protozooplankton and copepods as grazers ON PHYTOPLANKTON DURING THE 1999 SPRING BLOOM ON THE FAROE SHELF Based on C. fmmarchicus egg production the average ingestion rate of the copepods was 0.4 mgC m'3 d'1 during pre-bloom (Table 2 and Fig. 5A) corresponding to 13% of the phytopiankton standing stock. Here we have made the assumption that juvenile somatic growth is equal to the C. fmmarchicus specific egg production rate, and that all copepods follow the P/B for C. fmmarchicus. This does, however, probably result in an underestimation of the total copepod ingestion since several recent studies have indicated that smaller copepods may often play a more impor- tant role than the larger animals, not only in terms of abundance but also in terms of biomass and grazing pressure on the phytoplankton (e.g. Morales et al., 1991; Dam and Peterson, 1993). Calculating the ingestion rates per C. finmarchicus female gives an average ingestion rate of 2531 ngC f'1 d"1 during pre-bloom. Comparing this result with the pre-bloom ingestion rate of C. finmarchicus females (1433 ngC f"1 d'1) at the weather station M (Mike) in the middle of the Norwegian Sea (Irigo- ien et al., 1998) shows a slightly higher ingestion rate during our pre-bloom situ- ation. Our results are calculated using the egg production results and length-weight regressions for weight of the females and eggs. The results in Irigoien et al. (1998) are pure herbivory based gut-fluorescence measurements without correction for pos- sible pigment destruction. Their results are thus possibly slightly underestimated. The degree of pigment destruction during gut passage in copepods varies greatly but is generally believed to be <20% (Har- ris, 1996). Taking this into account our ingestion rates based on pre-bloom C. finmarchicus egg production seem to be in the same range as the ingestion rates measured at station M. Application of the temperature depend- ent production method from Huntley and Lopez (1992) to our data gives an average ingestion rate of 1.0 mgC m'3 d'1 during pre-bloom (Table 2 and Fig. 5B), which corresponds to 37% of the phytoplankton standing stock. This gives an unrealisti- cally high ingestion rate of 8443 ngC f'1 d"1 per female. To estimate the growth rate of the whole protozooplankton community during pre- bloom we used the estimated copepod in- gestion rates from both the egg-production and from the temperature dependent pro- duction method. In addition we assumed that the entire loss rate of the whole pro- tozooplankton community during this pe- riod was due to copepod grazing, and no prey selectivity by the copepod commu- nity. This yields protozooplankton growth rates of 0.08 d'1 and 0.28 d'1, for the egg- production and the temperature depend- ent production method, respectively. The latter of these two is unrealistically high, and using a gross growth efficiency of 40% (Hansen et al., 1997) yields an esti- mated ingestion rate of 1.0 mgC m'3 d'1, and a grazing impact of 37% on the phy- toplankton standing stock. Based on egg- production the estimated ingestion rate of protozooplankton was 0.3 mgC m'3 d'1, corresponding to 10% of the phytoplank- ton standing stock during pre-bloom. However, the protozooplankton growth
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