Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Page 104

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Page 104
102 MIGRATION OF COD (GADUS MORHUA): TAGGING EXPERIMENTS AT THE FAROES 1952-1965 the Faroe Plateau were classified as “accu- rate homers” according to Robichaud and Rose (2004). The first tagging experiments with cod at the Faroes were conducted between 1909-13 (Strubberg, 1916), and addition- al taggings were performed in the 1920s (Strubberg, 1933). The majority of the fish were small (35-45 cm, 2 years) and were recaptured very near the tagging site, i.e. very limited migration. The fishing inten- sity in the tagging area was very high, and thus very few tagged fish reached sexual maturity, thus leaving little information about spawning migration. Spawning migration was investigated in tagging experiments during 1927-37, when large cod (average size 80 cm) were tagged at the main spawning site “Norðhavið” during spawning in March-May (Táning, 1940). The results showed that cod left the spawning area after spawning and were fully dispersed around the Faroe Plateau during summer and autumn. They aggre- gated again at the same spawning location in subsequent years, and the migration distance ranged between almost zero to about 120 nautical miles. No tagging was performed on the western spawning site “Vágahavið” (Táning, 1940; Jákupsstovu and Reinert, 1994). The tagging experiments in Strubberg (1916; 1933) also showed that small, im- mature cod usually were distributed in shallow waters (< 100 m depth) whereas mature cod (> 70 cm) frequently were found down to 200 m depth (Táning, 1940), i.e. cod moved to deeper waters when they grew larger. The goal of the tagging experiments in 1952-65 was to get more information about spawning migration and to investi- gate the migration pattern of cod, that was not associated with spawning. A small part of the material was published in Joensen (1956), but the rest of the 1952-65 mate- rial had to wait 40 years before it was pub- lished in the current article. The reader may wonder why so old results should be worth publishing, but as stated earlier, the migration pattern may change with time and a thorough understanding of migration patterns requires studies during different time periods. When publishing other tag- ging experiments (initiated in 1997, see later), the 1952-1965 material may be very valuable. In the interest of space, fish growth is not dealt with in this article. After the tagging experiments in 1952- 1965 (the current article), extensive Eng- lish tagging experiments with cod were performed during the period 1961-1967. In total 11442 cod were tagged and 2141 recaptured. A part of the material is pub- lished in Jones (1966), but migration was only briefly dealt with. In the period 1994-95, sea ranching experiments were conducted with pen- reared cod on Faroe Plateau and Faroe Bank (Fjallstein and Jákupsstovu, 1999). About 50000 individuals were released on Faroe Bank, but only about 200 were recaptured. On the Faroe Plateau, about 8000 individuals were released and about 1200 have been recaptured up to 2004. They were released in shallow waters (< 50m) in a sound between the two larg- est islands. They dispersed from the sound
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