Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Side 105

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Side 105
MERKINGARROYNDIR VIÐ FØROYSKUM TOSKI 1952-1965 103 to deeper waters (50-100m) close to the islands (Fjallstein and Jákupsstovu, 1999). When they reached commercial size (> 50 cm), they were recaptured on tradition- al cod fishing grounds at depths between 50-150 m (unpubl.). From 1997 to present, extensive tagging experiments have been performed with cod (Steingrund, 1999; unpubl.). In these experiments, cod were larger (50-70 cm) and usually tagged in deeper waters (90- 400 m) than in the 1952-65 material. The results from these experiments are only dealt with if they have direct relevance to the 1952-65 material. Materials and methods Tags Cod during many of the experiments (see Appendix 1) were tagged with ebonite discs as described in Strubberg (1933). Lea’s hydrostatic tag was otherwise used (Anon., 1953; Jónsson, 1996). The ebon- ite discs were attached to the operculum and the Lea tags in front of the first dorsal fin. Tagging procedure The tagging experiments were normally perfbrmed twice a year, during spring and autumn. In the period 1952-64, small open boats or cutters were hired, whereas the research vessel “Svabo” was used dur- ing 1964-65. The fish were mainly caught by hand- line, using natural bait, and sometimes by hand-jigging, using artificial bait. Lon- gline or trawl was used in a few cases. Only fish in excellent condition were tagged. The length was recorded (usually rounded down to whole centimeters) and the fish released. When catch rates became too low in a particular place, the boat moved to another place. Weather conditions sometimes de- termined which places were selected for tagging experiments. Publicity and rewards There was a regular communication with fishermen both by articles in local news- papers and personal communication. The reward was usually 5 DKK per tag, corre- sponding to about 100 DKK today (about $17). We assume that the reward, person- al contact and communication to Faroese fishermen has been sufficient in order to keep the interest in the project on a high level. It is possible, however, that foreign fishermen (from England and Scotland) may not have had the same interest. Recaptured fish We tried to collect as much information about recaptured fish as possible, i.e. date, position, fish length, weight, sex, maturity and age (from otoliths). The position of recapture was often reported as a distance from one or two landmarks, or as a name of a fishing site, and coordinates (latitude and longitude) were set later by the first or fourth author. No coordinates were set if the description was too imprecise, e.g. when two far-away locations were equally likely. The posi- tions near land reported mainly by Faroese fishermen were normally considered to be accurate. This was not always the case for
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