Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Side 123

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Side 123
MERKINGARROYNDIR VIÐ FØROYSKUM TOSKI 1952-1965 121 5. Táning (1940) demonstrates convinc- ingly the existence of the westward migra- tion, probably because Faroese fishermen at that time claimed that the fish moved towards the east after spawning. Thus, cod disperse both eastwards and west- wards from “Norðhavið” after spawning and eventually all over the Faroe Plateau (Táning, 1940). These findings are con- firmed by taggings on the spawning area “Norðhavið” in March 2000 (unpubl.). The results from the taggings on the western spawning area “Vágahavið” rep- i'esent new knowledge, because no tagging had been performed there previously. They showed that cod spawning in “Vágahavið” in March were dispersed in the south- western part of Faroe Plateau other times of the year. These findings are confirmed by taggings in March 2004 (unpubl.). The duration of the spawning migration only lasted a few weeks. It is not surpris- ing because the distance to (or from) the spawning areas is very short (ranges from zero to 150 nautical miles, but is typically 30 nautical miles). The typical minimum swimming speed of cod migrating from the Icelandic spawning areas has been esti- mated to 3-8 nautical miles per day (Jóns- son, 1996). Assuming a similar swimming speed for Faroese cod, the duration of the spawning migration to (or from) the spawning areas might be between zero and 50 days, but should more typically be be- tween 4 and 10 days. The location of the spawning areas “Norðhavið” and “Vágahavið” may not be constant (Jákupsstovu and Reinert, 1994) The spawning area “Norðhavið” seems to have been more westerly dis- tributed during 1994-2004 (ICES, 2004) than in the 1930s (Táning, 1940) and in the present tagging study (Figure 12). The spawning area “Vágahavið” seems to be in approximately the same location during the present study compared to 1994-2004 (ICES, 2004). At the coast of Norway there are sev- eral local cod stocks, termed “Norwegian coastal cod”, that are more reddish in ap- pearance than north-east Arctic cod (Rollef- sen, 1934; Jakobsen, 1987). Reddish col- oured cod (“reyðfiskur” in Faroese) are also common at the Faroes in shallow wa- ters (< 100 m) near land. The material in this study is not able to tell whether they belong to local spawning stocks or spawn together with other cod at “Norðhavið” or “Vágahavið”. In the present study 43 of them were tagged south of Mykines and five recaptured, all near the tagging place. Tagging experiments in December 2002 and November 2003 indicate that reddish coloured cod have very limited migration (unpubl.). Migration pattern not associated with spawning The stationary habit of cod is in good agreement with the earlier studies of cod in Faroese waters (Strubberg, 1916; 1933) and more recent experiments (Fjallstein and Jákupsstovu, 1999). It is often ob- served for juvenile cod in other areas, e.g. on the Swedish west coast (Pihl and Ul- mestrand, 1993), on the southern coast of Norway (Danielssen and Gjøsæter, 1994), and in western Norway fjord areas (Godø
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