Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Page 124

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Page 124
122 MIGRATION OF COD (GADUS MORHUA): TAGGING EXPERIMENTS AT THE FAROES 1952-1965 et al., 1986). Large cod (35-100 cm) north of Scotland moved somewhat more than cod in this study (Easey, 1987). The reader is referred to Robichaud and Rose (2004) for a comprehensive comparison of all cod stocks in the Atlantic ocean. Migration distance depended on tagging location (Figure 14) and several factors may have been involved. The bottom to- pography sets the limits what is possible, and the topography is different between ar- eas, which again may influence the abun- dance of food or hiding places. Stomach investigations at the time of these tagging experiments indicate that there were dif- ferences in foođ organisms between areas (Rae, 1967) and stomach analyses during the period 1997-2004 show that both spe- cies composition and abundance may vary considerably between areas (unpubl.). The deciding factor (or factors) is, however, not known. The movement of cod to deeper waters is likely related to fish size and abundance of suitable food organisms. Results from the summer groundfish survey on Faroe Plateau (ICES, 2004) show that the mean size of cod increases with increasing depth (unpubl.) and stomach analyses show - on a broad scale - that prey size increases with increasing depth (unpubl.). Thus the relation between predator and prey size (Floeter and Temming, 2003) seems to be an important factor that is influencing the distribution of cod on Faroe Plateau. The swimming capacity of cod is lim- ited (Soofiani and Priede, 1985) and may affect migration. In order to minimise swimming, cod may select the shortest way to deeper waters, which normally can be achieved by moving a few nautical miles farther from land. This is one way of keeping the populations of cod east (Fig- ure 7-9) and west of Faroe Islands (Figure 9-11) separated. The Faroe Plateau is, on the other hand, a small area compared to other areas (e.g. Icelandic waters) suggest- ing that other factors than energy minimi- sation could control the migration pattern to deeper waters. It is interesting that there always were some cod that moved to new and distant areas. The size of these fish was quite similar to local cod, but we have indica- tions, that diet played a role. On 21 No- vember 1952, 75 cod were tagged south of Vágoy (SVA), that were characterised as “sand-eel preying cod that were caught off bottom”. Seventeen of them were re- captured, and the average distance to the tagging locality was 22 nautical miles. The next day 31 cod were tagged on the same locality and they were “not sand-eel preying cod and caught close to bottom”- Eight of them were recaptured, and the av- erage distance was only one nautical rnile. The difference was statistically significant (Mann-Whitney U-test, p<0.05). Faroese fishermen have told the first author that sand-eel preying cod move much more than cod eating benthic food. Migrants to new areas may play an important role by enhancing local populations of cod that for some reason, for example high fishing in- tensity, are on a low level. Migration distance differed between years and one reason may be a variable fishing pattern (i.e. the observed differ-
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