Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Side 125

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Side 125
MERKINGARROYNDIR VIÐ FØROYSKUM TOSKI 1952-1965 123 ence between years is an artefact), but there are no data available to confirm this hypothesis. On the other hand, the actual migration pattern may have differed be- tween years. Tagging experiments during 1997-2004 indicate that cod may some years migrate into shallow water close to land when food abundance on the typi- cal fishing grounds is low (unpubl.). We are, however, not able to decide whether this may have happened during the period 1952-1957 (that was selected for the ana- lysis). The general linear model also indicated that time of the year (season) may play a role (although p>0.05). We investigated the material in Strubberg (1916), i.e. the appendix with inforination on individual recaptured fish, in the same way as in this study. It indicated a clear effect of season. It is not surprising, because a number of factors, e.g. food availability (unpublished material), vary on a seasonal basis (Rae, 1967). Tagging experiments on the south- ern coast of Norway have also shown an effect of season: juvenile cod in those ar- eas migrate to deep water (about 75 m) during summer (Danielssen and Gjøsæter, 1994). Cod moving long distances Only three out of about 1000 cod were caught outside Faroese waters (i.e. Faroe Plateau and Faroe Bank). Previous tag- ging experiments have also shown that such highly migrating cod are extremely scarce. When considering all recaptured cod in Strubberg (1916; 1933) and Táning (1940), only one out of about 2100 cod was recaptured outside Faroese waters (in the Barents Sea). Tagging experiments during 1997-2004 have also indicated a very Iow frequency (about 5 of 6000). These cod were recaptured in Shetland waters (one specimen), off the coast of Norway - close to Trondheim - (two specimens) and in the Barents Sea (two specimens). Thus - when including this study - cod from Faroese waters have been recaptured in the whole area from Iceland, North Sea to the Barents Sea. It is also very seldom observed that cod migrate to Faroese waters from dis- tant areas. Icelandic tagging experiments during 1948-1986 showed that only four out of about 11000 recaptured cod were recaptured in Faroese waters (Jónsson, 1996). It should be mentioned, however, that tagging experiments indicate that cod on the Faroe-Icelandic ridge are mainly, or at least partially, of Icelandic origin (unpubl.). Immigration of cod from the areas north of Scotland/Shetland is also on a very low level since no cod out of 430 recaptured cod came from Faroese waters during the late 1970s (Easey, 1987). Implications for fisheries management The fact that cod move to deeper waters when they grow larger, and that they tend to stay in the same main area has impor- tant implications fbr fisheries manage- inent. The fishing inortality has been high in recent years (ICES, 2004). If the fishing mortality should be reduced by introduc- ing new closed areas, they should be lo- cated close to land if the young fish should be protected. If the adult fish should be
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