Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 132

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 132
130 MIGRATION OF COD (GADIJS MORHUA): TAGGING EXPERIMENTS AT THE FAROES 1952-1965 MERKINGARROYNDIR VIÐ FØROYSKUM TOSKI 1952-1965 131 Tagging locality Area code Depth (m) Boat First date Last datc Days Earliest month Latest month Season Tag typc No. tagged No. of lengths Avg. lenght S.D. Min Max No. of recapt. No. of lengths Avg. length (tagging) Avg. Icngth (recapt.) S.D. Min Max Recapt. % Wholc arca 73 13/11/1953 30/01/1961 1.5 1 12 ^ 725 721 53.9 10.8 31 100 157 111 54.5 60.1 10.4 34 82 21.7 E Nólsoy 6154 638 50 ESA 50 A 03/11/1954 1 11 L^ ^ 26 26 51.3 3.8 45 61 8 4 51.3 55.8 3.0 52 59 30.8 SV Borðan 6154 638 50 ESA 50 A 05/11/1954 16/11/1955 2 11 11 D L 65 65 50.5 4.8 44 65 18 11 50.6 57.3 10.4 47 80 27.7 Skálvíksgrynna 6151 632 60 ESA 60 A 18/11/1955 07/12/1955 2 11 12 D j ^ 14 14 61.5 11.4 47 92 4 4 63.5 75.4 5.7 69 82 28.6 Skálhøvdi 6154 634 66 ESA 66 K 28/11/1958 1 11 L^ ^ 1 1 67.0 67 67 1 1 67.0 73.0 73 73 100.0 Á Røðini 6156 649 70 ESA 70 E 25/10/1960 1 10 V. ^ 2 2 45.5 2.1 44 47 0 0 0.0 Whole area 59 03/11/1954 25/10/1960 1.4 10 12 108 108 52.2 7.0 44 92 31 20 53.0 61.4 11.3 47 82 28.7 NE Froðbiarnípa 6133 643 56 ESU 56 B 29/04/1963 1 4 Sp. L^ 2 2 48.0 2.8 46 50 1 1 46.0 47.0 47 47 50.0 E Froðbiarnípu 6134 640 68 ESU 68 B 30/05/1963 1 5 L^ ^ 17 17 41.8 5.0 35 52 0 0 0.0 E Lítlu Dímun 6137 637 68 ESU 68 B 28/05/1963 13/06/1963 6 5 6 L^ 91 90 41.3 6.4 26 57 5 3 42.0 50.0 10.4 43 62 5.5 E Tvøroyri 6133 639 68 ESU 68 B 27/05/1963 1 5 L^ ^ 28 28 43.6 7.1 28 59 0 0 0.0 E Froðbiarnípu 6134 640 75 ESU 75 B 30/05/1963 08/06/1963 6 5 6 L^ ^ 109 108 42.4 7.6 26 75 10 7 44.8 55.2 7.0 46 65 9.2 E Lítlu Dímun 6137 637 75 ESU 75 B 30/05/1963 1 5 k 1 1 38.0 38 38 0 0 0.0 Rankin 6138 628 75 ESU 75 B 29/04/1963 06/05/1963 5 4 5 ^ 520 519 44.2 8.3 24 79 85 71 45.0 53.4 9.2 38 84 16.3 Whole area 69 29/04/1963 13/06/1963 3.0 4 6 768 765 43.5 7.9 24 79 101 82 44.8 53.3 9.0 38 84 13.2 V Famjin 6130 700 80 VSU 80 A 16/06/1952 1 6 s_ 373 371 53.1 11.6 37 92 68 46 52.0 62.2 11.3 45 87 18.2 V Famjin 6132 707 100 VSU 100 A 18/11/1952 19/11/1952 2 11 11 ^ 146 146 54.8 7.0 44 81 27 19 52.0 60.0 6.5 50 78 18.5 Sumbiargrynna 6122 646 103 VSU 103 B 06/05/1963 1 5 L^ 99 97 42.5 6.5 31 60 8 5 43.4 48.4 7.0 39 55 8.1 V Famjin 6125 700 110 VSU 110 A 18/11/1952 1 11 D, 6 6 49.2 1.7 47 51 3 2 50.0 52.5 2.1 51 54 50.0 V Suðuroy 6135 715 130 VSU 130 K 09/12/1958 1 12 L^ 29 29 53.4 10.0 39 83 13 12 55.2 62.1 12.8 47 85 44.8 Wholc area 105 16/06/1952 06/05/1963 1.2 5 12 s__ 653 649 51.8 10.7 31 92 119 84 51.7 60.6 10.7 39 87 18.2 Vágahavið 6155 710 70 VSA 70 G 27/04/1954 1 4 Sp. D^ s_ 26 25 53.8 11.2 45 90 3 2 49.0 56.6 13.4 47 66 11.5 Guttagrynna 6153 710 74 VSA 74 E 28/03/1960 30/03/1960 2 3 3 Sp. dJ N 97 95 50.3 6.9 39 75 14 6 49.5 56.3 6.0 50 65 14.4 Sandshavið 6145 707 78 VSA 78 K 05/12/1958 1 12 L> s_ 6 6 67.8 5.7 63 79 1 1 67.0 69.7 70 70 16.7 Guttagrynna 6152 707 80 VSA 80 E 25/10/1960 1 10 D^ ^ 75 75 45.1 4.1 39 56 5 2 45.0 52.9 4.4 50 56 6.7 Guttagrynna 6153 709 84 VSA 84 E 31/01/1961 1 1 iTj L 59 58 44.5 3.7 39 56 0 0 0.0 Hestgrynna 6155 706 84 VSA 84 E 09/01/1961 1 1 D 114 113 47.2 4.9 39 73 3 1 48.3 60.0 60 60 2.6 Hestgrynna 6155 706 85 VSA 85 E 31/01/1961 1 1 L^ 8 8 42.8 3.2 40 50 1 0 40.0 12.5 V Høvdanum 6155 705 85 VSA 85 E 25/10/1960 1 10 D^ 7 7 59.6 4.9 52 66 1 0 65.0 14.3 Vágahavið 6156 722 100 VSA 100 A 31/03/1955 1 3 Sp. D^ 6 6 49.7 3.2 47 55 2 2 49.5 54.0 4.2 51 57 33.3 Guttagrynna 6153 715 112 VSA 112 E 28/03/1960 1 3 Sp. D^ 19 19 55.9 7.9 44 78 1 1 53.0 61.0 61 61 5.3 Vestur av Guttagrynnu 6153 713 112 VSA 112 E 28/03/1960 30/03/1960 3 3 3 Sp. E" 294 294 58.5 9.1 41 87 31 23 61.4 66.9 7.3 55 79 10.5 Tindarnir 6152 720 113 VSA 113 K 06/12/1958 1 12 lJ 12 12 66.6 5.2 60 77 5 2 67.2 72.9 7.2 68 78 41.7 Wholc area 90 27/04/1954 31/01/1961 1.3 1 12 723 718 52.9 9.6 39 90 67 40 56.4 63.5 8.7 47 79 9.3 Vágafjørður 6159 658 55 KO 55 A 26/10/1954 1 10 L^ 42 42 50.3 4.7 44 64 5 4 53.2 56.9 14.1 38 72 11.9 Koltur 6200 701 60 KO 60 A 19/10/1954 1 10 by L. 4 4 49.8 4.5 46 56 1 0 50.0 25.0 NV Koltur 6201 702 60 KO 60 A 13/11/1952 14/11/1953 2 11 11 30 30 52.3 4.6 45 62 3 3 55.7 67.2 13.0 54 80 10.0 Uttan fyri Koltursnakk 6200 701 65 KO 65 A 02/11/1956 1 11 b L. 14 14 48.7 4.3 45 59 3 3 52.0 53.7 5.5 50 60 21.4 V Koltur 6159 701 65 KO 65 A 08/11/1957 1 11 L^ 13 13 52.7 6.3 45 70 2 0 55.5 15.4 Vestan fyri Koltursnakk 6200 701 65 KO 65 A 03/11/1956 1 11 L^ 14 14 49.3 3.0 45 55 6 4 48.8 56.0 8.0 47 66 42.9 Koltur 6200 702 70 KO 70 A 01/11/1954 1 11 b 10 10 50.6 4.3 45 58 2 1 53.5 56.5 57 57 20.0 V Koltur 6159 701 70 KO 70 A 06/11/1954 1 11 L^ 61 61 49.6 5.2 44 80 9 4 48.3 56.3 9.0 47 67 14.8 V Koltur 6200 702 70 KO 70 A 10/12/1955 1 12 dJ 2 2 50.5 0.7 50 51 0 0 0.0 V Koltur 6158 659 75 KO 75 A 13/11/1952 1 11 Dy 34 34 48.6 4.4 39 59 3 2 48.7 54.5 9.2 48 61 8.8 V Koltur 6159 701 75 KO 75 A 20/11/1953 1 11 D> -___ 12 12 49.9 3.9 45 57 1 1 53.0 58.0 58 58 8.3
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