Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Síða 157

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Síða 157
Scientific publications about the Faroe Islands, 2004 Vísindaritverk 2004 This list for 2004 is compiled to show the scientific work going on within and outwith the institutions in the Faroe Is- lands. It should in this way be easier for the readers of Fróðskaparrit to have an idea of the different Faroese projects the scientists are working on and make it eas- ier to acquire papers and books. The list also includes papers and books made by scientists outside the Faroese institutions, and whenever possible, the editorial of- fice of Fróðskaparrit can provide contact addresses of the author(s). Moreover, this list also includes some papers missed out in pervious numbers of Fróðskaparrit. BioFar - BioFar, Kaldbak Marine Biological Laboratory, FO-180 Kaldbak. Phone: +298 35 61 11;Fax: +298 35 61 10; Email: BioFar@post. olivant. fo; Scientiflc papers Bird, G. 2004. Tanaidacea (Crustacea) of the Nortli- east Atlantic: non-filiform species of Anarthruri- dae Lang from the Atlantic Margin. Zootaxa 471: 1-44. Bird, G.J. 2004. The Tanaidacea (Crustacea, Per- acarida) of the North-East Atlantic: the shelf and bathyal Paratyphlotanais of the “Atlantic Margin”. Journal of Natural History 38: 1359-1384. Clausen, C. 2004. Gastrotricha from the Faroe Bank. Sarsia 89: 423-458. Heiner, I. 2004. Amorphicus kristenseni (Nanalori- cidae, Loricifera), a new species from the Faroe Bank (North Atlantic). Helgoland Marine Research 58: 192-205. Klitgaard, A.B. and Tendal, O.S. 2004. Distribution and species composition of mass occurrences of large-sized sponges in the northeast Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography 61: 57-98. Molodtsova, T.N. 2004. Ceriantharia (Cnidaria: An- thozoa) from the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 51: 292-297. Murina, V. and Sørensen, J. 2004. Marine worms of the phylum Sipuncula in Faroese waters. Fróðska- parrit 51: 280-291. Schuchert, P. 2004. Revision of the European athecate hydroids and their medusae (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria): Families Oceanidae and Pachycordylidae. Revue suisse de Zoologie 111: 315-369. Papers of common interest Gaard, E. og Sørensen, J. 2004. Firðir og sund - Eutrofieringskanningar. Føroya utnhvørvi í tølum 2003: 57-62. Hansen, J.F. 2004. Chaetopterus-bustmaðkar - Eitt tað mest sermerkta bustmaðkaslagið á okkara leiðunt. Frøði 2004/2: 24-29. Sørensen, J. 2004. Kanning av lívrunnari dálking á Fuglafirði, 2003. Frágreiðing 20 s. Sørensen, J. 2004. Leitanin eftir Chaetopterus - Ein lívfrøðilig rannsóknarferð. Frøði 2004/1: 10-15. Sørensen, J. 2004. Funningsfjørður - Ávegis frá- greiðing av djóralívskanning á tveimum støðum á Funningsftrði. Report. 21 pp. Sørensen, J. 2004. Løgin djór av havsins botni. Dim- malætting. 164. Sørensen, J. 2004. Leitanin eftir Chaetopterus. Frøði 10,1: 10-15. Fróðskaparrit 53. bók 2005: 155-162
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