Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Page 162

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2005, Page 162
160 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ABOUT THE FAROE ISLANDS 2004 Gaard, M. and Hansen, J. 2004. Skelsandurin á Hví- tanesi. Frøði 10,2: 4-8. Hansen, J. 2004. Løbebiller pá Færøerne. Atlantic Re- view. Summer 2004: 48-54. Jensen, J-K. and Jacobsen, H. 2004. Snjóhara Lepus timidus. Harutíðindi 2004: 4. Jensen, J-K. 2004. Reyðspógvi Limosa limosa islaan- dica. Frágreiðing frá Føroya Fuglafrøðifelag 18: 13. Jensen. J-K. Holm, K., Hansen, R., Poulsen, L. (eds.). 2004. Harutíðindi 2004. 1-11. Granskingarverkætlanin fyri Økismenning - Center for Local and Regional Development, Jústabrekka 1, P.O. Box 159, FO-700 Klaksvík. Phone: +298 45 77 44; Fax: +298 45 77 43; Email:; Web page: Occaciona! Papers Mýri, M. and Biskupstø, O. 2004. Institutions and In- novations - The case of three municipalities in the Faroe Islands in Aarsæther (eds). Innovations in the Nordic Periphcry. Stockholm: NordRegio Report 2004: 3. Holm, D. and Mortensen, B. 2004. Regional Develop- ment in the Faroes: What is the Right Size for Ef- fective Local Govemment? In: Byron, Hansen and Jenkins (eds). Regional Development on the North Atlantic Margin. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate Publish- ing Limited. Hovgaard, G., Eythórsson, G.Th. and Fellman, K. 2004. Future Challenges to Small Municipalities - The Cases of Iceland, Faroe Islands and Áland Islands, Nordregio 2004. Heilsufrøðiliga Starvstovan - Food and Environmental Agency, Falkavegur 6, FO-100 Tórshavn. Phone: +298 35 64 00; Fax: +298 35 64 01; Email:; Web page: Scientific papers Bustamante, P., Morales, C.F., Mikkelsen, B., Dam, M. and Caurant, F. 2004. Trace element bioac- cumulation in grey seals Halichoerus grypus from the Faroe Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 261: 291-301. Dam, M. 2004. Mercury in the Faroe Islands. Fróðska- parrit 52: 85-133. Dam, M., Hoydal, K. and Jensen, J-K. 2004. Mer- cury in liver, eggs and feather of black guillemot Cepphus grylle faeroensis in the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 52: 73-84. Thorarinsdóttir, G.G., Gunnarsson, K. and Dam, M. 2004. The gametogenetic cycle and spawning in Mytilus edulis in the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 51: 270-279. Tiedemann, R., Boysen, K.B., Scheer, M., Kistowski, F.G. von, Skírnisson, K., Bloch, D. and Dam, M. 2004. Microchondiral DNA and microsatellite variation in the eider duck (Somateria mollissima) indicate stepwise postgalcial colonization of Europe and limited current long-distance dispersal. Molec- ular Ecology 10,1111/j: 1365-294X.2004.02168x: 1-14. Papers of comnion interest Hoydal, K. and Dam, M. 2004. Føroya Umltvørvi í tølum 2003. Heilsufrøðiliga Starvsstovan.
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