Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2007, Blaðsíða 107
105 dent -/, Spanish: diente
- m.; ‘tooth’
Catalan dent comes from Latin dens,
dentis, m. Although the etymological word
is masculine, it appears as feminine in
Catalan from the very fírst occurrences in
texts, in the 13lh c. (Coromines, 1980).
Group % of Catalan gender usagc
G1 GrácialOO
G1 Nou Barris 37.5
G2 Grácia 91.66
G2 Nou Barris 90
G3 Grácia 100
G3 Nou Barris 86.66
Table 5. dent
The production reaches ceiling effects
across the board. The only group that does
not stick to the standard is the group of
children in Nou Barris. It looks as though
the influence of the language of the en-
vironment plays a crucial role for this age
group, which displays a major usage of the
Spanish gender when they produce this
Catalan noun. olor-/, Spanish: olor - m.;
‘smell ’
Catalan olor comes from vulgar Latin olor,
oloris, m. (from classical Latin, odor,
OdOris). It often appears as ‘odor’, in the
leamed version of the word, in the middle
ages but it disappears after the 15,h c. In
Ramon Llull’s works olor occurs already.
The masculine gender is generally associa-
ted to Spanish influence and is rejected for
this lexical item (Coromines, 1980).
Group % of Catalan gender usage
G1 Grácia 100
G1 Nou Barris 55.55
G2 Grácia 100
G2 Nou Barris 100
G3 Grácia 100
G3 Nou Barris 90
Table 6. olor
Again, the only group that shows a produc-
tion with a large association of the Spanish
gender when speaking Catalan is G1 in Nou
Barris. dubte - /«., Spanish: duda
-/; ‘doubt ’
This word was not elicited from G1 infor-
mants due to its abstract nature and the un-
likelihood for it to be part of the active
lexicon of children. Therefore, only results
of this word’s production by G2 and G3 are
reported here.
This is a deverbal noun, which comes
from the Latin verb dúbItare. The closest
noun in Latin is dubitátio, dubitatiOnis, f.
Group % of Catalan gender usagc
G2 Grácia 100
G2 Nou Barris 90
G3 Grácia 90.9
G3 Nou Barris 72.72
Table 7. duhte
Results show ceiling effects across the
board, with the lowest percentage of Cata-
lan gender usage by G3 in Nou Barris. The