blaðið - 04.03.2006, Page 18

blaðið - 04.03.2006, Page 18
 Krónu kindabjúgu ifCimflfíMatiTrr*, Fariallc 'jgf.' w, ht’ 1 Uiunua 20";. VfO M>UMN KRÍDNaN Fusilli í” Spaghetti SfuuhfiH Doritos Nacho cheese Kelloggs special K Vinber græn þorlAkshöfn vlrklr dagar 11-1B laugardagar 11-19 SKEIFAN / BÍLDSHÖFÐI / HRINGBRAUT / BREIÐHOLT vlrklr dagar 11-11 virVk dagar 11-19 vlrfclrdagar 11-19 vkklr dagar 11-21 laugardagar 11-19 Uugardagar 11-19 laugardagar 11-19 laugardagar 11-21 / NORÐURBRÚN / HVALEYRARBRAUT / MOSFELLSBÆR / SELFOSS / VESTMANNAEYJAR vlrfclr dagar 11-21 vfrfclrdagar 11-21 Alllrdagar 12-?3 vlrklrdagar 11-19 vlrfclrdagar 11-19 Kiúklinga- bitar blandaðir



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