Læknablaðið - 01.06.1972, Side 41
og lagðar þannig, að litla homið (processus brevis) hvíldi á fótplöt-
unni. Heym versnaði um 10 dB, en varð þó sæmilega nothæf.
Að lokum vil ég geta tveggja sjúklinga, sem hlotið höfðu liðhlaup
í liðnum milli steðja og ístaðs við slys. Hjá báðum hafði innri heyrn
skaddazt svo mikið, að ekki mátti vænta nothæfrar heyrnar eftir
Steðji og ístað voru tengd með plastpípu í öðru tilfellinu, en vír
í hinu. Hjá báðum batnaði heyrn um 20 dB.
í síðari flokknum hefur heyrn því batnað hjá 80%, staðið í stað
hjá 15% og versnað hjá 5%.
Ég hef tekið þetta saman til þess að fá yfirlit yfir árangur þessara
aðgerða minna í heild og til þess að geta borið saman árangur mis-
munandi aðgerða í svipuðum tilfellum.
1) Bellucci, R. J. Clinical application of experimental stapes surgery. Arch.
Otolaryng. 78:586-594. 1963.
2) Mercandino, C. E. & Taraeido, J. C. Artificial stapes, three years report.
Arch. Ötolaryng. 77:191-197. 1963.
3) Rosen, S. Mobilization of the stapes to restore hearing in otosclerosis.
New York J. Med. 53:2650. 1953.
4) Schuknecht, H. F. & Oleksiuk, S. The metal prosthesis for stapes
ankylosis. Arch. Otolaryng. 71:287-295. 1960.
5) Shea, J. J. Fenestration of the oval window, presented before the
American Academy of Opthalmology and Otolaryngology. Annals of
Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. 67:932.
6) Shea, J. J. Vein graft closure of eardrum perforations. Arcli, Otolaryng.
72:445-447. 1960.
7) Shea, J. J. Teflon piston operation. Arch. Otolaryng. 76:516. 1962.
8) Tos, M. Tympanoplastic procedures in chronic otitis media. Ugesk. f.
læger. 131:1385-1392. 1970.
9) Tos, M. Tympanoplasty, results of operations to improve hearing on dry
ears. Ugesk. f. læger. 132:1038-1044. 1970.
10) Wullstein, H. Operation zur Verbesserung des Gehöres. Thieme. Stuttgart
11) Zöllner, F. Behandlung der Chronischen Mittelohrentziindungen und ihre
Folgen. Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde Bd. 3. Tliieme. Stuttgart 1966.
THORSTEINSSON E. Surgery for the Improvement of Hearing.
Resúlts of Operations.
In a previous paper on operations for the improvement of hearing
(LœknablaOiÖ 55 (1), 1969), the author discusses some modern surgical
methods for the improvement of hearing in otosclerosis. Results of the
author’s first 33 stapes operations are given.
The results are as follows:
In 21 cases a teflon-wire piston was used. Average hearing improvement
for the speech frequencies was 40 dB, with a minimum of 20 dB and a
maximum of 60 dB. Serviceable or normal hearing was regained in 81% of
these cases.
In four cases the Mercandino method, employing a prefabricated
umbrella-like stapes prosthesis made of polyethylene, was used. Average
hearing improvement was 38 dB, ranging from 20 dB to 50 dB. In all cases
at least serviceable hearing was obtained.
In eight cases the Bellucci method was used. Average hearing improve-
ment was 45 dB, ranging from 20 dB to 65 dB. Serviceable hearing was